Author Topic: Rules for "chat" threads in this forum area [UPDATED 1/28/10]  (Read 1818 times)

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Rules for "chat" threads in this forum area [UPDATED 1/28/10]
« on: August 31, 2009, 08:28:32 pm »
Chat Threads

If you want to "chat", meaning short back-and-forth messages between a few people without a specific topic in mind, please limit it to one of the few, ongoing "chat" threads that already exist. Please do not start chat tangents in existing threads. If this occurs naturally or by accident, these may be split off, or split off and locked, as needed. If you want to chat about a specific subject (such as attending a Kumoricon mini-event), you can start a new "chat" thread for it (you can even do this outside of this forum, in the appropriate forum area), but members are expected to stay on-topic within a thread, just as with any other thread on the forum.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 06:45:43 pm by AllyKat »
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Re: Rules for "chat" threads in this forum area
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2010, 06:45:07 pm »
UPDATE: 1/28/2010
Purpose: To clarify rules on the OTC

For a matter of public service and to protect against further confusion, miscommunication and an ensuing disregard for the rules of this Off-Topic and Chat section of the Kumoricon Forums; I have taken it upon myself to create an Addendum to Jeff's well worded message on what is appropriate in this section.

Lesson One: "Respect"

to quote mr incredible
"I just cleaned up this mess, can we keep the place clean for 5 minutes...please?"

I am NOT your mother. Nor am I your police officer, your judge, your jury, or your personal maid. What I am is a RESOURCE to provide you with a safe, secure and fun avenue for discussion and network building in a strong and amazing community that prides itself on liking things that are, at least to most, on the odd side of hobbies and interests.

We don't do this (Moderate) because we have to, or because we will get fired if we don't. We do it because it's the RIGHT thing to do, for the community, and for the group at large. Some of our decisions wont make sense... and some will. You are just going to have to trust that we -as humans- are trying our best. Please respect that from our perspective, its tough to maintain order in the OTC, and we are trying to make it fun with a purpose.

On the flip side, you are a part of a COMMUNITY of individuals, and each of you has a right to be here, and a right to be happy here. Just like in real life, hurting for the sake of hurting is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Much of the spamming and the clique forming and the bashing is ridiculous and wouldn't occur if everyone just remembered that the only reason you know these people exist is because they like similar things to you! Remember that we are connected by a strong bond of culture and interests, and the rest of the pathetic and painful cruelty that occurs because off topic is so broad should melt away, and what doesn't will be so miniscule, that our jobs as moderators will be a light touch on the forums.

Lesson one for those wanting to post on the off topic forum section is to show respect to those who moderate and those who contribute, because without respect, all of it is meaningless.

Lesson Two: "On Topic"

On Topic Means: Anything relating to the discussion the site originates (ie; anime, Japanese culture, conventions)

It seems the theory behind what is to go in each section has been muddled and confused. To shed some light on this I bring you definitions, to partake of and to hopefully enjoy. On-topic is anything on this forum relating to something that the site covers. Since the web address is for a Convention that deals with Anime, Manga, Japanese culture and video games and all the sub-interests that that go along with, it makes sense to rightly assume that On Topic discussion exists in those categories. On topic does not simply mean, pick a topic, post it, and as long as you don't deviate from that topic you are kosher. It means keep it in connection with the main idea around the Website and it's branch interests. But rest assured as Jeff stated previously, that if you start to trail into a cluster of crossroad discussions in one thread on the OTC, it will be split or locked or any combination of the two. Just be appropriate and try not to shove too much into one little area.

Lesson two is to alleviate any confusion about what we mean when we ask you to keep On Topic. Just follow the rules and everyone, including you, will have an awesome time!

Lesson Three: "Off Topic"

Off Topic Means: Anything not relating to the discussion the site originates (ie; harry potter, SNL, favorite candy...)

It does not mean you get to be willy nilly with your discussions, although that is not firmly BANNED from the OTC threads, it is not encouraged to take up all of the space, and in so doing, all of the posting.

What you SHOULD use the OTC for is life's little inquiries and connecting with people on a deeper level whom you know through the forums many other threads and sections. You love to talk about your favorite anime and discuss the up-coming conventions, but you've always wanted to know if anyone else shops at the little Vintage boutique downtown like you do? Post it! You are a great fan of the hit series "Jersey Shore" and want to discuss the latest episode? Post it! You want to post a thread that simply reads "What?" so that people can post re-occurring and pointless one word or few word responses with no value to anyone's psyche, physical or emotional state other than numbness? Please... don't post it!

Lesson Three is to let you know that Off-Topic is not a synonym of 'random' in the context of this board. It just means that this is where anything that doesn't belong in any other thread sub-section goes.

Lesson Four: "Chat"

If it can be said in a PM to one person or two people. PM it, don't post it.

We are already a small contingency of people compared to the rest of the world. But when you alienate people or post things that mean little to anyone but you and two others, it fills up the board with useless and weak threads that don't serve a purpose but to profess you and your "friends" prowess of knowledge over others. This doesn't increase your bond to your friends in a way that can be quantified, and it doesn't invite others to learn more about you, or you learn about them. It just exists for the sake of existing. While this will happen ever so often, it is NOT to be treated as appropriate or allowed. Accidents happen, or situations where something was intended to be broad became a closed discussion are obviously going to occur... but these are the exceptions not the rule.

There ARE of course, several long standing "Chat" Communities that would LOVE to have your fun loving voices, and while creating a new community is an option, remember that "SAY almost ANYTHING" and the Spoon Castle and similar groups are already here, and love people to join in and keep the energy alive... utilize their populous and create new friends, its what this is all about!

Lesson Four is to explain that you may know this section of the board as a "Chat" section, but if it doesn't increase you or those who would read it and may post here in anyway... it clearly has no worth, think before you post things of that nature.

Lesson Five: "Having Fun"

In the end, that's what life is all about; getting through it and having fun doing it.

Believe it or not, it is possible to have fun while playing by the rules... I know this is possible because I have a BLAST on these forums, and I don't think I have broken a rule yet, or if I have it was on accident and the situation was distilled. You just have to use common sense and respect when posting (think of it as talking) to others and you will get back so much more meaningful information!

Lesson five really fills in all the blanks; remember we aren't angry mean thugs... we want you to have a good time, and we know you want to have a good time, so lets all stop being silly and just have a good time already!

Thanks Everybody in Advance!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 06:47:24 pm by AllyKat »
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