Guess I could rant about my wife's son. My wife went into some serious credit card debt to pay for her son's college education. Which of course is in nothing that will get him a job. So he has remained unemployed for over a 1 1/2 years. Nope, can't even find a temporary or part-time job.
Now he's in my house, of which I got a couple days notice that he was even going to be here. And of course, no expected time to get out!
And he does nothing. I guess he surfs the Internet looking for jobs after I leave the house. But I almost never see him. And he does not help in housekeeping. Eat, sleep, shower and S$%T.
Ya know if I say anything to my wife she is only going to wind up defending him.
My parents didn't do this for me. Guess what, I own my home. I own my car. I only was on the streets for a night or two. And that was back in 1989! I couldn't get a job in my field of expertise for over a dozen years. I made guitar amplifiers, cooked, sold cars, mowed lawns, attended a putt putt golf/laundromat, I made rivets, saw chain. I had a lot of jobs while I was getting my two year degree at CCC. And have had only two since October, 1994.
Rant here, so I can keep my mouth shut. Because I remind myself that it took seven years to get a halfway decent job after I got out of the navy.