I'm not one to talk, being is I'm sad and alone.
But, think of it this way. There are single mixers out there all the time where you're shoved together with like 20-30 potentials, and you have no clue if you have anything in common, share any of the same interests, etc..
Well the hard parts done for you at k-con, because its a freakin anime con, they have to like anime is SOME way!
If you do get stomped flat, remember there are what, 4500 people at Kumo.
My friends and I were actually thinking about organizing a sorta "I'm not in a relationship but looking." logo or something people could wear (voluntarily) during con.
Don't go to con expecting to find a soul mate, go to con and try to make friends, see where it goes from there.
I need to stop looking and start opening my eyes because I'm the type of person that finds out years later that such and such person had a crush on me. D:
I actually had 4 girls, include the one i'd been 'crushin' on for years come up at graduation and admit this to me. It's annoying.