you're scared of getting married??? o.o is it a commitment issue? o.o or just afraid of being with someone for so long and then finding out that you weren't "meant" for each other and then have all that lost? and then be divorced? cuz honey. it happens. it's life, and we will meet many other wonderful ppl :3 <3~ and change is good. *this coming from someone who has moved 7 times from different states* i know how hard it is <3~
From a person that's moved just as much in her life (if not more) I was also afraid of marriage for a long time. This had to do with the fact that a lot of people in my life either lived (or still live) in miserable marriages or have suffered from terrible divorces. My mother has been married, well, a
lot and I had to help her get through all of them from a very young age. It made me terrified to make a commitment to another person because I didn't want to be so vulnerable. :/
I've eventually come to understand marriage as something that should never be rushed and, for some people, whether they're in a relationship for life or not, marriage just isn't for them. I've gotten over the fear of marriage itself... it's the costs that I'm now afraid of lol. XD
My boyfriend of three years has helped me think of it more positively, that's for sure. Of course, I'm still going to wait a few more years, I'm assuming.