Feminism, in modern society, is a farce. Women are genetically, physically, and psychologically different from men. This creates differences, such as women being better suited for creative tasks and men being better suited for systematic tasks. It also creates differences such as men being more prone to Autism and ADHD, whereas women are more prone to Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar. I'm not exactly an activist, but I've spent my entire life supporting equal-opportunity and minority acceptance, and I'm really tired of hearing ignorant feminists tell me that men are sexist and that society is dominated by "rape culture" and patriarchy. It's not. The only actual serious sexism I've seen on a significant scale is workplace discrimination against men on the basis that it's apparently not professionally acceptable for men to have long hair, but for women it's fine. Beyond that all the "sexism" I've seen is just feminist propaganda endorsed by matriarchal, hyperdominant women who profiteer on society's inherent gullibility.
Just figured I'd, you know, throw that out there. And for the record, I was raised almost entirely androgenous. Didn't really identify as male or female until one day I found a moustache growing upon my face and decided I'd just live with being male.