@Miria- YES, THAT TOO. 8'D; *has no idea how to use it, though*
Umm... I might know a little, just from hearing it in common speech... but I don't really know many of the proper terms for things, like genitive. *has no idea what that is* xD;
I... I only remember being told about dative...and... crud, something else... *doesn't remember the name* Though I can't even remember what any of those even are now. *headdesk* I should try to bring out all my German notes from the language class I took while I was there. ;w;
*laughs* Although my German that I do know is based off of the 'pure' German--hochduetsch... or whatever it's called. xD So I probably don't know too much slang. ;w;
And yessss~ I am going! >w<
I'm being Romano. ;w; Probably will be the last time I am ever him at a meet. I was him last time, too. I never got any money for new cosplays. -A-; But I'm going to be getting some soon, so if there are any meets in the future, I will be able to be someone else for once. *pumps fists*
I speak Hochdeutsch as well. My German teacher is Austrian, though, but she tries to speak Hochdeutsch for us. I know some slang, but not very much. I can barely remember the swear words~ xD;;
Awesome! I'll make sure to talk to you and high-five you or something!
Nominative, Accusative, Dative, and Genitive are the cases in German. Genitive is the possessive case- We don't really have it in English because we use 's or of. Then again, there's barely any difference between cases in English anyway, and the word "whom" is falling out of use.
Miria: cases=deathdeathdeath
I'm going as Sealand 'cause Yagi's doing Norway, and I don't have any pictures of my Sealand yet. And because I'm super invested in freezing, I guess? It's raining tomorrow, so I can get mud all over my nice white socks as a bonus.
But you know I'll pretty much act the same either way, since I'm immune to the vaguely LARPy part of cosplay.
Even in cosplay, I don't think that I act as obnoxiously as Prussia. I dunno, though, sometimes. .
Cases are fun and easy. . When you're doing homework. When you're writing a story or speaking, they're suddenly very hard and you forget when to use them. D:
Out of curiosity, do you know Yiddish? I think Cassi does, but I don't remember. xD;; If so, are the cases so horrible? German and Yiddish are kinda similar, but a few of the words mean
totally different things. Like schmuck. >.>