ok.I am 17....and my question is like....it looks like I have to be with a guardian....now does my guardian will probably be my mother.....Does she just have to sign some papers or stay with me the whole time? Cause if so she will be ansy to leave early and I really want to just hangout and stuff.....so can she drop me off or does she have to stay the whole time?
Heres a life svare for your mom and an embaressment saver for you.
Take teh parental consent form and cross out the Guardian over 18 part and put your name on the line above it and hand it to the person at te registartion desk. That gives you guardian ship of yourself...I'm doing it so
Or just hand them this:
I give(insert name of minor) guardianship of his/her self during the time of Kumoricon.
Signature of Minor______________
Signature of Parent_____________