Good evening, everyone! My name is Brian, and I'm going to be the manager for registration for Kumoricon 2012!
How did you all like registration this year? We were fast and efficient as heck. Wasn't it awesome?
Well, this year, we want to make it even MORE awesome, and we need your help to do it! The more people we have, the faster the lines will go!
We're going to assign eight-hour shifts every day, and if you have schedule conflictions or things you want to attend, let us know and we will do our best to work around it. That isn't a guarantee you'll get to attend EVERYTHING you want to, however.
We want people with cheery attitudes, who are capable of multi-tasking and have customer service experience! We also have meetings at least once a month where we do reg work, so easy access to the Portland-Metro area is preferred but by no means required.
Do you have any other questions? Please feel free to message me or That_Guy on the forums (he's our assistant manager), or e-mail and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Looking forwards to hearing from applicants!