....honestly, and I mean this in the most respectful of ways...no, I don't think that's quite what Wrath-Chan meant. A panel for shy otaku would be great! But being shy, while it is a problem for many of us, isn't really the same as feeling out of place because of minority status.
After all, both majorities and minorities can feel frightened and crippled by shyness, and that's a very real problem - but shy majority otaku are fairly likely to be accepted if they're able to overcome the hurdle of their shyness, whereas shy minority otaku have two hurdles to overcome: their own shyness and the (frightening) possibility that those around them might reject them before they know anything about them.
There's a difference between feeling left out because feelings of shyness are preventing you from engaging more actively with a group, and feeling left out because you were making every effort to engage with a group and people rejected you for not being "the right race/sex/etc. for that character". Which, for the record, I have seen online. It's freaking hard to find inspiring and fun characters of color to cosplay in anime - why harsh on somebody for deciding to say "screw it!" and cosplay Sailor Moon or Gai-Sensei instead? And yet...people still do, even when the resulting costume is breathtakingly beautiful. =_=
tl;dr - Doing a "shy otaku" panel would be awesome! But I don't think a "minority otaku" panel is quiiite the right forum for dealing with that particular issue.