Author Topic: Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?  (Read 8592 times)

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Offline HeavenscloneX

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« on: September 08, 2005, 10:30:52 pm »
Just kinda curious what differences there are between the two.

Like, would you need to be staff to run some of the video game tournaments or could you be a volunteer?  Differences in responsiblities?  Etc...
~Yatta Dante
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Offline kylite

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 11:07:09 pm »
The difference is simple

1. joins in part of the time to help
2. can be any age rangeing form I think 15-whatever (correct me if im wrong on this)

1. surrender all their time to make sure the con goes smoothly, come hell or highwater
2. 18+ only
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Offline HeavenscloneX

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 11:10:53 pm »
Hm, okay.  I'd be better suited for volunteering then.  Gotta have some fun in the tournaments, and I probably wouldn't be able to join them if I was staff.
~Yatta Dante
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Offline Mushoku145

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2005, 10:13:13 pm »
Yojimbo all the way!!
Bamboo + Cellphone...I see possibilities....

Offline Broken Panda

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2005, 10:23:04 pm »
But as staff you do get to sedual your time your just expected to put in a good chunk of your time in to the con but there are bounces to be staff like lower regstration prices. I admit i was staff this year i had a blast doing it i was able to do what i wanted when i wanted and there are certain things that are staff only like the games night when we close the game room and play games just staff only not even vounlteers are allowed in. but it's is true that if hell or high water comes you do have to put what your doing down at that time and atend what is happening
The one thing I learned at kumoricon 2005 is that you don't want to twist your ankle the frist night of the conn when you are staff and your job is to do rome the halls makeing sure no one is doing something stupid

Offline TomtheFanboy

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 02:40:49 pm »
Volunteers= Pocky Club Members

Staff= People Pocky Club Delivers to.
Tom the Fanboy
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Offline Thejew

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2005, 04:02:39 pm »
Staff = Yojimbo!!!


Offline Mushoku145

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2005, 09:37:05 pm »
Thats a dirty, dirty lie Tom. Goggle Squad was under Volunteer as well.
Bamboo + Cellphone...I see possibilities....

Offline Mushoku145

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2005, 09:37:21 pm »
well.....we were for most of the con
Bamboo + Cellphone...I see possibilities....

Offline staze

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2005, 11:59:40 am »
It's more than that.  

Volunteers: are people that want to help out at con, and before con, but not necessarily make the "leap" to staff.  They come to the con for events first, and helping out second. They are often the people that are bored during "lull" times, and want to help out.  Volunteers are generally 15+.

Staff: are the people that want to help the con go places.  They come to the con to help first, and go to events second.  People have this idea that staff work all the time and don't get time to enjoy themselves.  That's partially true.  Staff work a lot.  But part of that is because there aren't enough staff.  If we could all convince more friends to be staff or volunteers, the average staff workload would go down.  Staff need to be 18 or over so they can work past curfew...

Staff get benefits.  Cheaper Reg (less than 1/2 price), Con T-Shirts at cost, the chance to attend the after con staff diner/party, etc.  These aren't "free". You will be relied upon to help with the con.  But, if you are like me, and find the actual con experience to be somewhat boring if you're not working, then staff is really what you should be looking at.  

It's your call as to what you would like to do... but I highly encourage people to consider being staff.  When the con is over, and people are all saying how much fun they had, that's when being staff really pays off.
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Offline Nyco27

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2005, 01:32:48 pm »
Being a part of staff is also being a part of a close community for nearly all year around. While we do work very hard all year, we also get together for parties, anime viewings, and other down time goofiness outside the con.

There's also a lot of levels to being staff. There are those who help out mostly in the prep work, those that are really only on site, and those that do both - but the more involved you are, the more we try and take care of you, and show appriciation for all the work you put in.

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Offline Waffles

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2005, 01:41:57 pm »
yeah I cant wait tell next year were I can help out more often At kcon 04 i had fun just walking around and do the regular thing but it got so boring  I saw my self walking around portland more then anything. Then at Kcon 05 my  friends and I created the goggle squad and it got better. we helped kylite and hawkeye the first night and it was just so much fun. then the next day I was aloud to become yojimbo and I was so excited i wanted to strip down and run around the convention( but this isnt yojimbo behavior). I think what I  am trying to say is that yeah helping the con is alot of fun! I met some real cool people like kylite( who I met at kcon 04 and teased him a bit :D) but I also met olivia who is awesome and pezzer.
A few other people being brownie and yojimbo1
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Offline RemSaverem

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Any real difference between Staff and Volunteers?
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2005, 02:49:25 pm »
Actually, I've never been to a con at which I wasn't staff. I'm hoping to, someday!

I think of there as being multiple levels of both staff and volunteers. For example, among staff, there are directors, their assistants, coordinators of subunits under each director, and potentially their assistants. Then among volunteers, there are those who sign up way in advance and those who just spontaneously help out. I have actually found great success with both types of volunteers. Many who plan to attend just for fun, find that the greatest fun comes from being part of the team helping everyone else enjoy themselves! And it is often those who spontaneously step up to the plate and fill any voids that become staff the next time around.
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