Ah maybe "Props: Keeping the price down!" That sounds good I think..It lets people know that I'm showing them how to make props, but saving money at the same time..I'm gonna ask for a change of title then. Thank you. i didn't realize that..
And that's pretty much the whole point. Showing what you can do with a box cutter, scissors and glues. But using them on things you can get for really low prices, like cardboard you can find for free at the post office..And no machinery is also the point. I use ZEO machinery in all my props because I have no idea how to use them lol I will talk for a minute or so on toxic stuff, but only resin coating I did on some things, and paints..Nothing real bad..Come to think of it, being outside, I didn't need a mask for ANYTHING I did.But nothing I talk about requires that stuff. They are always extras. They can be donet he same way without using the toxic things and still look the same.