I'm going to SakuraCon from my house.
I could probably host some people @ my house.
It's a 30 - 40min bus ride to the Con.
I'll post something up about it before this weekend.
*note: If you want to stay @ a hotel near the Con then check-out SakuraCon's forum...there seems to be a few rooms left*
Okay....adding more info....
Yes, I CAN bunk a few people @ my house. (near the Seattle Center)
There will be other people (guys & girls).
Transportation: Provide for yourself. Free parking near my house.
It's a 15-20min drive to the Con. or a 30-40min bus ride.
Bus-stop is conveniently in front of my house.
Accommodations will include things like:
Bedding....couch or bed or cot, pillow, sleeping bag or sheets.
Washer + Dryer.
Microwave, fridge & freezer, stove & oven, other kitchen privileges.
Bath, shower, toilet, some toiletries.
For more information, please PM me.
Inquirey deadline is March 19th, 2006.
Offer is officially closed.
1 - person has confirmed...