Anyone seen this show yet? I just picked up the first few DVDs, watched the first disc and some of the second. Thought I'd offer my two cents.
This anime's crazy, to say the least. The premise is giant robots fighting monsters with love, marriage and relationships binding the time inbetween fights, and usually influencing them. Sound typical? It is, but with shiny ass-kicking animation. This show is very pretty, with all it's cool robot poses after defeating a beast or when two robots join to make a more powerful one.
This anime is very shameless in it's use of absurdity and exaggeration, especially with all of the female characters running around either scandilly-clad or in extremely tight outfits (hardly a bad thing). That's the other premise of the show: babes. Bouncy bouncy babes. One of my friends calls GoDanner the Gadunk Gadunk Show, and rightly so (episode five takes the cake for most eye-popping scene; you'll know it when you seen it).
I keep getting the feeling that this is almost a parody of the classic giant-warrior/giant robot shows of way back when, primarily by listening to the show's intro song. The singer's voice is reminescent of those older shows like Ultraman. The over-the-top mecha fights also lend to that same nostalgic feeling.
While it can be seen as mindless action and fanservice, this show actually has a decent storyline hidden within the relationships between the characters. I recommend this to anyone looking for a good time, no matter your fancy.