Go to
http://www.opusnet.com/k2006op/contest.htm to d/l the 2006 AMV Contest Opener!
1. Download the Kumoricon 2006 AMV contest opener, (URL above) or get a copy from a friend.
2. Make up a "guess sheet" with your full name and your choice of any or all of the following contact information: an e-mail address, a phone number, or a mailing address.**
3. Watch the opener. Freeze or stop frames if you wish. Then write down the names of all the anime series you recognise. Generally, except for transitions (like a 'dissolve to,' 'cross zoom,' or 'fly off') anime from only one show is visible at any time. Sometimes the anime is composited with screenshots of AMV-making software tools, but you won't see Shuffle! superimposed over Avenger, for instance.
4. Get your completed guess sheet to the contest coordinator, either by mail or in person. See below for deadlines.
5. That's it! Have fun. I hope you enjoy the contest opener, the Kumoricon AMV contest, and the AMV show which follows.
** Forum names, CB 'handles,' IM / IRC, or amateur radio callsigns are not usable as contacts for this contest.
MAIL-in and HAND-in DEADLINES: The mail-in deadline for this contest is the Friday before the convention, 1-SEP-06. The in-person hand-in deadline is the end of the AMV show which will immediately follow the Kumoricon 2006 AMV Contest (in the same room.)
Mailing address for guess-sheets:
K2006OP Contest
SCORING of Guess-Sheets:
Twenty-Seven anime sources were used in the OP. Sources have values of 1 - 9 points fixed in advance. Clips of harder-to-find shows, exceptionally new or old, and clips of secondary characters are worth more points than clips of recent and popular shows, longer clips, or clips of a main character. Here's a breakdown:
1pt: [5]
2pts: [3]
3pts: [3]
4pts: [5]
5pts: [3]
6pts: [3]
7pts: [2]
8pts: [2]
9pts: [1]
BONUS: Eight [8] characters appear in a kind of collage near the end. A [+3] modifier applies to those shows.
TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS AVAILABLE is 136 POINTS. (This would be a perfect score.)
PENALTY: Each guess for a show which is -NOT- used in the OP subtracts two points: [-2]
(this is to avoid 'shotgun' guessing.)
HINT: Some characters are shown wearing clothes or gear less commonly seen in the show.
- You only need to list the title of the shows.
- You do not need to specify 'OVA' vs 'TV series,' or 'Season IV,' etc.
- You do NOT need to identify specific anime characters or vessel names.
- Every entry correctly naming any particular series receives the same number of points for that correct guess.
- Guesses do -not- have to be listed in any kind of order to be scored.
- In the event of two or more scores tied for winner, some kind of randomizing mechanical means (such as dice) will be used to break the tie, and select only ONE winner.
THE PRIZEWINNER will be announced at closing ceremonies. If the prizewinner is not present, we will use the contact information to send the prize to the winner.
GOOD LUCK TO -ALL- Participants!
- G.
15-Aug-6 Edit: OK I forgot to include one more show in the total. It's a one-pointer, so the new max is now 136.