I think you're taking it all out of context. I'd rather feel safe knowing that Hotel security is looking out for EVERYONEs general intrest.
If you're staying at a hotel as a guest of a convention or not, you want to know that the hotel will not jeopardize your safety.
If you're just a guest and you see a mass of people dressed in odd clothing and doing things you don't do in daily life, of course they will be put off.
But it's worse, when something BAD happens. If a masked person, say a sex offender, parades around like the rest of the con-goers in a mask and starts touching people. Who gets the blame? We do because we encourage masks, while all this time it was some sex offender using the fact that we're dressed differently to get away with his crime.
THEN, people from the hotel and the con will point fingers at one another and then at the Hotel for not DOING anything about it.
It's better they stop it now, then something awful happens. I'm not concerned about TERRORISM, I'm concerned for EVERYONES safety, and I think you all should too.