Post here things that make you go "Jeeze, I'm not even that bad!" Just because it's fun. And I'm a horrible person. But keep it somewhat friendly!
From another forum I frequent. I hope he's not here but if he is it's all in good fun and I still likes him. He's just silly. :p
Let the okatu sporking commence!
Example #1: Japanophile
In my sister's birthday thread:
"Happy birthday, Washu-chan!!!
.....I wanted to say it in Nihongo, but I forgot how to and I couldn't find the paper that had it on there"
"QUOTE(Dark Link @ Sep 18 2006, 12:35 PM)
"Is that where you found that "Kacchoii" thing, Gabe?
...And what the heck does Kacchoii mean, anyway?"
Of course. I like to integrate Nihongo into my regular speech XD
And it means 'cool'"