Author Topic: poorly organized, I'd say.....  (Read 23472 times)

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Offline SephiChan

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2006, 03:19:14 pm »
This is where I whine about the hotel in a category no one else has seemed to yet--Shenanagins.
Saturday, around 5:30 PM, my brother and I were starving, but we had a tourney at 6:30, so we had to eat fast. We decided to give Shenanagins a shot because I wanted to go to a sit down place, but we deicded before they seated us, we'd ask if they could get us in and out in under an hour. So we waited for seating. And waited. And waited. And WAITED! Waiters and hosts kept walking right past us, ignoring us, even though we were right by the podium. I didn't want to have to say "EXCUSE me, will you seat us?" because, isn't that their job...?
We got so irritated after sitting there for about 5 minutes (and they were NOT flooded with customers or anything), so we left and went to Taco Bell.

Poor customer service.

Offline Neko_Chan

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2006, 06:51:59 pm »
Quote from: "EvilMonkey"
I have a great idea of where KCon 07 will be held.  I'll let the rest of you in on the secret as soon as I can :)

let me iinnn on it PUH LEASEEE.

Okay, you don't have to tell me.
Just tell me like.. how many rooms it has. That's all I wana know. :]

Offline 2otaku

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2006, 07:39:28 pm »
Quote from: "SephiChan"

Also, I have NEVER been to a con with a short or fast prereg/reg line. Even my year at the 1700-or-so-person Sakura Con 2001, it took something like 2 hours to get through the line, prereged and all. I never go to a con and expect to power through the line in 10 minutes.

That's odd... we did SakuraCon in 2001, it was our 2nd year doing it and didn't wait more than 10 minutes, we always pre-reg... and it's just 25.00 each if you do it before it's over. Never have had to wait more than maybe 20min there.  Perhaps getting badges early Saturday or even Friday is why?

Offline SephiChan

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #53 on: September 11, 2006, 07:57:21 pm »
Quote from: "2otaku"
Quote from: "SephiChan"

Also, I have NEVER been to a con with a short or fast prereg/reg line. Even my year at the 1700-or-so-person Sakura Con 2001, it took something like 2 hours to get through the line, prereged and all. I never go to a con and expect to power through the line in 10 minutes.

That's odd... we did SakuraCon in 2001, it was our 2nd year doing it and didn't wait more than 10 minutes, we always pre-reg... and it's just 25.00 each if you do it before it's over. Never have had to wait more than maybe 20min there.  Perhaps getting badges early Saturday or even Friday is why?

x_x Well, we didn't get there very early Friday morning, it was more like mid-morning, so I can imagine the line was longer.
But, I'm shutting up now, since I think I'm getting off-topic. =D

Offline 2otaku

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #54 on: September 11, 2006, 08:16:57 pm »
Quote from: "valliegirl"
I really really really wish you'd all have stayed for rant and rave.


And the biggest message I have to all of you is if you want to see things change, PLEASE GET INVOLVED.  Attend our meetings, especially the one where we'll be voting for the directors for next year.  The meetings are announced on the forums, and it's said the election for directors will be held in late October.  

If you want more organization, and more staff, there's really no better way to do that than to be involved and lend a hand.  

No can do... I live near Seattle and have a job.  Besides, what kind of Con would you have if 3/4 of the people attending were also working it. I don't think MORE people would actually do much...just having people in charge that know what to do and able to delagate to others what needs to be done and when.  Like I said, after the lines...things were good.  OH... wasn't the closing done like at 6pm in stead of 3pm?  We had to get driving back at 3ish.  6 would have been out of the question! And weren't Rants done after closings?

Offline 2otaku

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #55 on: September 11, 2006, 08:38:16 pm »
Quote from: "kylite"

IF you have a medical issue that made it so u could not be out in the sun for more then a few minutes, then please.....TELL US! .

Well, I did tell someone. I told one of the people yelling out the alphabet I couldn't stay in direct sun for more than 15 to 20 minutes and the line was out in the sun. She just kind of looked away.

I waited on a sofa for an hour hoping the line would end up shorter and inside. I had my tunes with me, I am used to waiting. And I didn't want to butt in line after the others were standing in the sun so long either.  

I went back to my room seeing I couldn't do anything without my badge.  I couldn't even see if niccy needed anything for her art table.

Yeah, I missed Kirk and I had something from Samurai Champloo for him to sign.  I didn't know where he was or when he would be there!

I eased my dissapointment by buying THE Death Box.  The ONLY ONE..bhawawawa!!!

Offline 2otaku

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2006, 08:53:59 pm »
Quote from: "SephiChan"
This is where I whine about the hotel in a category no one else has seemed to yet--Shenanagins.

Not just that place... Tux Charlie or WTF it is.  My hotel bill had a charge from that place for 20.00..... I asked what it was, it was the bar.  I don't drink, no one in my party drinks.  I didn't even know where the bar was!

The guy running the place took my bill and found the charge slip. It had my room number and and a single name sig... didn't look like any thing I would write. He asked if anyone in my party would have come in and signed for me.  Ummmm.... no.  They took off the charge but acted like I was trying the rip them off.  I am complaining to the corp offices.  They need to ask for more than a last name and room number.  I am well over 21 but that doesn't mean I need to drink because I am...sheesh.

Offline EcchiSpice

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2006, 08:56:02 pm »
Quote from: "2otaku"
OH... wasn't the closing done like at 6pm in stead of 3pm?  

*squashes this like bug*

The closing ceremonies ran at 3:45, to accomodate the charity auction and the contest winners' slideshow. If I'm going to get in trouble, at least let it be for things that did (or didn't) actually happen. Rant and rave was well before 6.

*Drools over 3/4 of attendees working the convention for the mutual enjoyment of fellow otaku...* :D
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Offline Trumby

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2006, 09:01:26 pm »
Quote from: "2otaku"
No can do... I live near Seattle and have a job.  Besides, what kind of Con would you have if 3/4 of the people attending were also working it. I don't think MORE people would actually do much...just having people in charge that know what to do and able to delagate to others what needs to be done and when.  Like I said, after the lines...things were good.  OH... wasn't the closing done like at 6pm in stead of 3pm?  We had to get driving back at 3ish.  6 would have been out of the question! And weren't Rants done after closings?

You don't have to go to the meetings to be able to help out the con. And your ratio there is a tad bit off. I don't know the full number of staff, but I can tell you right now there were less than 100 of us (there were only, what, 27 yojimbo?). Now let's try the math again: 100/2257 != 75%.

I don't want to sound like a jerk, but if you've never worked an understaffed con, you can't really say "no, more people wouldn't help" because I can tell you for a fact, yes, more people would have helped. A lot. The lines would have gone faster because we'd have had more people for reg, the yojimbo wouldn't have been nearly as tired as we were because we'd actually have gotten breaks (though I feel kind of bad, because I did get my breaks though it seems most of us didn't). I could go on, but if you can't see how having more staff would help then it's not really any use.

As for closing ceremonies, it wasn't even scheduled to end until 5. And it actually ended earlier than that, if I remember correctly. And as always, yes Rant & Rave was after closing ceremonies.
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Offline guspasho

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #59 on: September 14, 2006, 07:02:02 pm »
Quote from: "2otaku"
No can do... I live near Seattle and have a job.  Besides, what kind of Con would you have if 3/4 of the people attending were also working it. I don't think MORE people would actually do much...just having people in charge that know what to do and able to delagate to others what needs to be done and when.  Like I said, after the lines...things were good.  OH... wasn't the closing done like at 6pm in stead of 3pm?  We had to get driving back at 3ish.  6 would have been out of the question! And weren't Rants done after closings?

A lot of things happened badly this year because some of our positions went unfilled all year long. These were positions that were determined long ago to be necessary and mission-critical. No one stepped up. We need more staff if only for the reason we need people to fill the positions we absolutely must have to run the convention smoothly. Positions like Volunteer Manager, which simply got placed in the lap of one of our more gracious Yojimbo at the last minute.

And of course it goes without saying that at registration everyone was deployed and it still wasn't enough. We can delegate until we are blue in the faces but the only thing that will make those lines go faster is more people behind the registration desk.
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Offline Waffles

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2006, 12:14:52 am »
As trumby said though everyone can help the con one way or another, this can be being staff/volunteer or just do your best to not make trouble.

Also for the idea of more people not really helping? this  is wrong more people helping would mean alot less hours put in per person. Yojimbo could actually take a break!
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Offline valliegirl

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2006, 10:49:09 am »
Quote from: "2otaku"
No can do... I live near Seattle and have a job.  Besides, what kind of Con would you have if 3/4 of the people attending were also working it. I don't think MORE people would actually do much...just having people in charge that know what to do and able to delagate to others what needs to be done and when.

And THAT is where you're seriously mistaken.  

First of all, you're assuming that the con will never get bigger.  It will grow and is.  It's grown every year.  Every year new people show up.  This will not stop.  We have not out tapped the otaku in the area.  The more people who show up, the more people we need who want to help us out.

And from being a staff member this year, I ASSURE YOU that organization of staff resources was not the ONLY PROBLEM.  We were short handed.  We need more people and will CONTINUE to need more people.

Please understand this well.
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Offline MistressLegato

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2006, 11:57:40 am »
Quote from: "valliegirl"
Quote from: "2otaku"
No can do... I live near Seattle and have a job.  Besides, what kind of Con would you have if 3/4 of the people attending were also working it. I don't think MORE people would actually do much...just having people in charge that know what to do and able to delagate to others what needs to be done and when.

And THAT is where you're seriously mistaken.  

First of all, you're assuming that the con will never get bigger.  It will grow and is.  It's grown every year.  Every year new people show up.  This will not stop.  We have not out tapped the otaku in the area.  The more people who show up, the more people we need who want to help us out.

And from being a staff member this year, I ASSURE YOU that organization of staff resources was not the ONLY PROBLEM.  We were short handed.  We need more people and will CONTINUE to need more people.

Please understand this well.

True 'dat.

People from Seattle come down for Kumoricon just like people from Portland go up to Sakuracon.  We HAVE grown every year and there isn't really any reason why we shouldn't continue to.
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Offline corpsic beauty

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2006, 02:46:57 pm »
ok, i agree with the people talking about the bakazoku.last year, i went to it and it was great but since it was my first, i had planned to leave durring the middle of it so my aunt rushed me out of it and i missed a good portion of it. this year i really really wanted to stay for all of it, but NOOOOOOO. why? becuase i went with my friend and her mom and it was getting really rediculous. finally after the guy with the tight-fitting spandex came up, her mom turned to us and asked if we wanted to go. since she was the authority, we kinda had to leave. i was really embarrassed too because i didn't know they were like that, since i had missed out the year before..........

Offline MistressLegato

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2006, 10:35:14 pm »
Quote from: "corpsic beauty"
ok, i agree with the people talking about the bakazoku.last year, i went to it and it was great but since it was my first, i had planned to leave durring the middle of it so my aunt rushed me out of it and i missed a good portion of it. this year i really really wanted to stay for all of it, but NOOOOOOO. why? becuase i went with my friend and her mom and it was getting really rediculous. finally after the guy with the tight-fitting spandex came up, her mom turned to us and asked if we wanted to go. since she was the authority, we kinda had to leave. i was really embarrassed too because i didn't know they were like that, since i had missed out the year before..........

The guy in tight spandex was an audience member.  In case you didn't notice, he was pretty much yanked off of stage and sent back to his seat.  That was waaaaay over the top and wasn't planned.  The yaoi jokes weren't sooo bad considering how many 13 and below kids even know what that word MEANS unless it's in their fandom and there's nothing you can really do about that . . .

I think they were quite funny and it's unfair to judge them for the cosplay, or to judge the cosplay on them.  Two totally separate things.

If you didn't like the Bakazoku you aren't forced to go to their panels.  If it's the cosplay that wasn't to your liking, nobody forced you to stand in line for an hour in the heat to see it. ya know?

I'm a fan of both, so I suffered for it.  Wasn't teh best, but it wasn't a sucky cosplay.  I laughed through most of it!

I can understand if the bakazoku isn't your cup of tea as far as humour goes, but the cosplay was 90% cosplay.
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Offline corpsic beauty

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #65 on: September 18, 2006, 04:37:29 pm »
nonononono......i didn't mean that at all! i love bakazoku dearly and i love watching the skits everyone makes up!

its just that the yaoi jokes were a little overwealming. i know it's the new fad and it's pretty funny to see the pairing some people come up with.  the bakazoku were really funny at first. i was even laughing. but they keep dragging it on and on sometimes. it was yaoi this and yaoi that.......on and on.......well, get it, right?

Offline superjaz

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #66 on: September 18, 2006, 04:49:23 pm »
a portion of anime fans are just obsessed with yaoi and they see those chibi baka zoku and they just go nut and yeah there gonna be yaoi shout outs
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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« Reply #67 on: September 18, 2006, 10:01:31 pm »
yea, true. but it's kinda annoying sometimes.

Offline princessfrodo

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« Reply #68 on: September 18, 2006, 10:15:16 pm »
Yeah, I deffinitly have to agree with that.  While yaoi is great and all, yaoi jokes can become tired and old, like beating a dead horse.  I think the new Bakazoku group is different than the old one (No more Big Chris, and no more Mike apparently, is Mike's gf still in it?), so they might still be getting a handle on the reins of the comedy thing.

They'll probably be completely awesome next year.  8)
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Offline guspasho

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2006, 10:32:04 pm »
Quote from: "valliegirl"
First of all, you're assuming that the con will never get bigger.  It will grow and is.  It's grown every year.  Every year new people show up.  This will not stop.  We have not out tapped the otaku in the area.  The more people who show up, the more people we need who want to help us out.

Not only will the con probably get bigger, we WANT the con to get bigger. Meg's goal is to find a hotel with a larger capacity again next year and then fill it. Fire code at the Red Lion permitted 2250 people. We had 2257 registrations, which is as perfect as we can measure. Next year we want to hit 3000 attendees.

Just as the con gets bigger, so must the staff to keep up.
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Offline Hazuza

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #70 on: September 18, 2006, 10:40:31 pm »
Yes!! We must recruit new attendees!! Even if we have to bring them in kicking and screaming +-+... Okay, maybe not like that 'cause we'll get in trouble o.o...

But I AM getting more people at my school into anime! Stalking and keeping logs on people, finding their interests, and matching them up to a favorite anime ^^

And I got a few friends that just learned about the con a few days ago, so... yeah.


As for the yaoi, though. I aggree... It gets a bit childish if it drags on. I say keep jokes and acts that will please the entire crowd, and that's unique, or appealing to fans of that certain anime, if you do a certain group.And have things flow into each other instead of dragging out. Have a plan months in advance, rehearse it, film it, and revise untill you're happy with how you have it.
   Of course, I've never done a skit myself, but I have written scripts and filmed a few times and they turned out good...


Ah, I should stop my blabbering, as said many times in the past, I hope Kcon will be bigger and better each year, and will hopefully be at the level Sakuracon is now someday...

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2006, 05:55:40 pm »
................there's a new bakazoku?? why didn't i get that memo?!?!? lol

Offline Vondan

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #72 on: September 19, 2006, 06:50:38 pm »
Quote from: "guspasho"
Quote from: "valliegirl"
First of all, you're assuming that the con will never get bigger.  It will grow and is.  It's grown every year.  Every year new people show up.  This will not stop.  We have not out tapped the otaku in the area.  The more people who show up, the more people we need who want to help us out.

Not only will the con probably get bigger, we WANT the con to get bigger. Meg's goal is to find a hotel with a larger capacity again next year and then fill it. Fire code at the Red Lion permitted 2250 people. We had 2257 registrations, which is as perfect as we can measure. Next year we want to hit 3000 attendees.

Just as the con gets bigger, so must the staff to keep up.

are you telling me that next year I need to bring two rolls of duct tape for the repair station
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Offline TomtheFanboy

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #73 on: September 19, 2006, 07:03:49 pm »
Quote from: "Vondan"
are you telling me that next year I need to bring two rolls of duct tape for the repair station

Yup, two of each color!
Tom the Fanboy
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Offline Hazuza

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #74 on: September 19, 2006, 07:06:33 pm »
lol XD

I wonder how big we'll get next year..? ~squee~ can't wait!!!

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Re: from a staff member...
« Reply #75 on: September 19, 2006, 07:44:51 pm »
Quote from: "guspasho"
Next year we want to hit 3000 attendees.

I'd be surprised if we don't reach that at least.

Offline corpsic beauty

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poorly organized, I'd say.....
« Reply #76 on: September 19, 2006, 08:25:32 pm »
yea last year i wanted to bring all of my friends.......witch is about.....*counts on fingers*7 or 8ish but only one was able to come. i hope next year that changes though!