Have some more information about the event at the Westfield/Vancouver Suncoast!
Cosplay contest: The contest will begin at 2 and one of the staff members will bring a digital camera to take pictures and have them posted in the store the following day or so. There are prizes for first, second, and third.
Trivia contest: As I've mentioned before, Shonen Jump. Forgot to ask about the time, but there will also be prizes.
Illustration contest: They'll be hosting an illustration contest for 12 and under and 12 and above (I believe). I'm not sure if it means drawing on the spot or bringing in a finished picture, but have something ready to bring in to judge and be ready to draw? Again, prizes for the first three places.
They'll be playing anime all day as well as giving out free Japanese candy and probably some other goodies.
Sales: Geneon will be at buy one, get one free. All others will be buy one, get one half off. ALSO, buy a Fullmetal Alchemist DVD and get a free figurine (either Ed or Al).
But that's all the info I have. Hope to see some people there. ^^