
Whats your dream machine?

The B!tchenest server to hold for ransom all the anime in the world?
1 (14.3%)
The Im going to kick you A$$ gamer to pown all the newbs w/ your L337 OC skillz?
3 (42.9%)
The H4ksor mastur comp to get stealth past that milspec security to get those launch code?
1 (14.3%)
The 3D spacer to build that perfect VR universe to run away from the world?
0 (0%)
The Burninator to make all those software LTS walk the plank as you make them suffer w/ lost revenue?
0 (0%)
The Brain Jack to bring that fanfic in your head to life and make those publish crumble in their unworthiness?
0 (0%)
OR OTHER (and you better post what your other would be or ill use my H4ksor mastur w/ its B!tchenest server of virual intities to ruptor your 3D spacer so those software LTS thing you have the Burninator and send the FBI to knock on your door ;))
2 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: April 04, 2007, 01:27:56 pm

Author Topic: New Comp Builds  (Read 3007 times)

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Offline MEDIC!!!

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New Comp Builds
« on: April 04, 2007, 01:27:56 pm »

im doing a new comp build and im looking for some new ideas

im starting this topic to see what everybody has going good for themselves
and to find out what everybody dreams they had in their comp


everybody post what you got
then post what you want

i dont know where im going w/ this as yet
but i might just build somebodies dream machine in the future

any ideas are welcome
but pls if you can put some reason to support the maddness

and b/c i chose OR OTHER
I AM the H4ksor Mastur :twisted: :shock:
and the WORLD is my B!tchenest server 8)
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Offline jaybug

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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 04:21:13 pm »
I want a computer that understands me! Will help me solve all my problems, not make more of them. A computer that is as simple as driving a car. That doesn't crash while I am on the freeway, and deploy airbags when I park!
Have Fun


Offline Raccon-Faced_Keruri

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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2007, 04:23:03 pm »
I'd like a computer that I could enter in my measurements, favorite anime characters, and money available, and generate costume patterns and a list of everything I'd need and where to get it! That would make my life so much easier!

Offline MEDIC!!!

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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2007, 04:29:56 pm »
ok interesting

so what was it that was going into this comp

right now im thinking about starting one w/
a dual core artic system w/ a raptor 8200
as my main HHD and 2 500gigs for some
basic storage
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 G37 L41D
Liquid Snake: There's A Killer Inside You
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Offline Raccon-Faced_Keruri

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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2007, 04:31:05 pm »
Good luck with making the world's first computer specially designed for anime freaks. ^-^

Offline jaybug

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« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2007, 05:40:30 pm »
Basic storage, or boxed CPU type memory? You want your memory as close to the CPU as you can get it don't you? Especially if you are going dual processor, right? Load up the motherboard with all the memory you can stuff onto it.

Especially since the software is going to eat it all up and make you wish you had more, no matter what you do! Stupid software!
Have Fun


Offline Lit_of_Fey

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« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2007, 06:59:28 pm »
Lol this made me laugh, cough, and sneeze all at once. It was bizarre but entertaining.

I'll t3h haxx yur m3mori3zzzzz  :o
Someday...I'll get around to you.

Offline MEDIC!!!

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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2007, 02:10:41 am »
ok so does anybody have any tangible ideas
you know like some specs for parts
maybe some configurations
or whats compatible w/ what
or what just plain a$$ sucks

now for general background
i built comps for a living at one point

i was thinking about getting back into the trade
and starting up a business this time around

Basic storage, or boxed CPU type memory

to your question jaybug
what i outlined was just some simple spec
for a mid to hi range system which didnt
include the motherboard or RAM (memory) yet

the dual core would be able to handle most if not all
idle processing by putting the system load acrossd both

a quad core would be better but right now the price
of duo cores is extremely nice for bulk orders

the artic system i mentiond would be for cooling
after all the OC (over clocking) that i would do

the raptor 8200 for a main HDD (hard disk drive)
is a great tool for any system but w/ a multi core
system its even better b/c most hard drives spins
at a sporatic rate but mostly avg at 7200rpm

the raptor spins upwards of 8200rpm sometime
all the way to 8550rpm this means that you can
access data faster

so being as this raptor is going to be used as a
rapid access drive id say only use it for the OS
(operating system) and for frequently used
programs (i.e.  anti virus, ,system drivers,
and all internet utlities but no downloading)

so id say only get about a 50gig b/c this drive
isnt for your files

yes you can get 100gigs for about the same price
but we're working on a boot drive  
you dont need that much space

the 2 500gig drives would be for all your files
(i.e. basic storage)

one drive would be for your files the other
would be for all the other misc programs
(i.e. word, music, and video programs
and here is where you would DL stuff to)
this drive would also be for all your games

this is just some of the basic stuff that
i would try to put in all the comps id build

after that id need specs for what the comp
would be used for (i.e. the poll options)
thats where id choose what type of sound,
video, and memory(RAM) would go into the

right now the comp i use is a low to mid range
that can sometime stomp on some of the hi end
comps but it really lacks in some departments

it uses a 13gig powermac drive from 1991
this thing needs to be retired

now as a side note
i dont know what others think of vista but
i say it suck so youll never see me install it
i have to use it on the comp i use at work
and the basic specs of the comp rule mine
but still 9 times out of 10 i have to stop
what im doing so that the comp can catch
up to me (in other words i type so fast
that the comp doesnt register my keystrokes
or i have to stop and watch as all the typing
id done 20sec ago starts to come up on the

to those who care
the system i use at home is an XP PRO OS
that i retro hacked to run like 98
so all the accessiblity of 98 w/ all the speed
of XP PRO     it runs as smooth as butter
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Offline QElderHell

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« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 07:38:36 am »
i use a Badaxe with a Conroe clocked at 3.0, a geforce 6600, 1gig DDR2 1066, and a plain old SATA drive. I want my dads system though

Badaxe2 with a Kentsfeild clocked at 3.2 per core, 2 Gforce 7800, 4gig DDR2 1066, 10 72000RPM SCSI hot swaps for boot (Raid 0), and 4 400gig SATA Raptors for data (Agian Raid 0)

Offline MEDIC!!!

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« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2007, 10:23:13 am »
now working w/ SATA is new gounds for me
all of the systems ive built startd w/ IDE

so i need to do some homework for these new devices

this wasnt new tech for me it was just out of the price range
for the scope of the projects that i did

but anyway   right now im scoping for some stuff around

either im going for broke and getting a nice looking case,
im going to just get a cheap alloy case, or im just going
to mount all the hardware to a big piece of plexyglass
and then go from there    so far i dont know yet

the only problems that can see coming around in the near
future are that Kcon and PDX LAN are both on the same days
so all the people in the know about new comp tech will be there
so that kind of hoses me for help from the profs

but instead i get to kick it w/ all the weird people that usually
have more fun w/     weird is good

so for now its back to looking like im work here at the mall
as i look for parts for a new comp build
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 G37 L41D
Liquid Snake: There's A Killer Inside You
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Boom Baby Boom! I'm The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight