Hmmm, sounds a little too exclusive, maybe??? Is there some way we could all do something together, then the adults go play, and the non-adults go play, or something?
Wait, I have it! Trivia! We can go to these bars that do that, and allow families in until such and such a time, after the trivia contest is over. I know of one on Thursday nights near Reed College, at some Irish named pub. Friday's down here in Eugene at the Eugene City Brewery. I know there are others around town. We can really show off our Uber Geekiness, and whatnot, eh?
I am good at this stuff, can almost score the highest, that is until they talk about prime time TV, and music after 1990. I haven't watched prime time TV since I joined the navy, and haven't paid much attention to pop music, ever. So... just a thought.