Last year, on the second day [or ...first?] of the con, in the middle of the lobby a Naruto threw a mini tantrum. He was sitting in the lobby, to the RIGHT (when facing) of the sign-in table, towards where you went out to the balcony. There were some TV crews filming him. Now, he was just sitting there pouting. He was as "special" as Naruto himself, except 10X more emo, whiny and I think slighty schizophrenic. He did once in a while say OMG GO AWAY but he never made to get away from where the cameras where XD;;; then **** hit the fan. All of a sudden he jumps up, arms in the air, screams and then storms man was like tfw?
Anyone else remember this LOL moment? My Mom and I just stopped and stared.
If YOU were that Naruto...
Sorry buddy.
Thanx for the laughs tho.