Author Topic: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....  (Read 19122 times)

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Offline Naleh

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2007, 11:30:11 pm »
A little bit of random info, here:

According to fan lore, "glomp" is an approximation of the sound emitted by an anime character executing a flying tackle-hug on an unsuspecting target. ;) Whether or not the sound is accurate is debated, but at the very least it's fun to say, so it caught on.

The main problem is that while anime characters take it in stride, real people sometimes HATE being hugged without warning. There's also a small (but real) risk of injury.

I've heard a particularly frightening horror story of a (female) cosplayer who got a running "glomp" tackle from a 300+ pound fangirl that landed her in the hospital with a broken rib. o_o;; She says she never went back to that particular convention, and the glomper was banned from returning. I don't mean to be at all resentful towards overweight fans, but at some point the physics of the human body have to be taken into account. Even with normally-sized people, your glomp target may be frailer than s/he looks.

If you ask for permission, though, it generally solves such problems. So no worries. ^^

As for a panel, I'm willing to bet you'll get a positive response from staff. Hmmm... low-risk programming content that requires no special equipment, no setup time, and can be held practically anywhere? Those types of panels are generally pretty welcome. ;) Whoever runs your panel may eventually need to sign up for a panelist badge (assuming they aren't already staff), but otherwise I think you should go ahead and ask about it.

P.S. -

Your sign reminds me of a couple of Ranma 1/2 cosplayers (one of them in a panda mascot suit) who wandered the halls of Sakura Con with a sign that read "FURII HAGU (Free Hugs)". Corny romanization aside, it was cute and pretty well-received. ^^ I think a sign that said "Free Glomps!" would be equally well-received.
Usually I'm good about asking... but once or twice it slips my mind in the crazyness of the con and I hug said poor victim... erm If your one of mentioned victims... Sorry... ^_^0
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Offline gemineye42

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #51 on: September 10, 2007, 04:42:37 pm »
I'm considering having the Science of Glomps panel early on Saturday, and everyone who comes can get a free button that says "GLOMP OK" in big, friendly letters, so people will know these folks are glomp-able. Might also have "NO GLOMPS" buttons for folks who want to make it clear. We will most assuredly have a "Glomp Safety" section with suggestions on the polite way to ask to glomp someone, and the polite way to accept a denial, etc., as well as how to hug someone and not hurt them, lol.
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Offline Radien

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2007, 06:26:21 pm »
LoL I would be one of those crazies but not in a tackleing kind of way, I scream but for the most part Im just Weird and VERY random Lol but I'm too clumzy to be someone to take a risk at running tackle hugging some random person, 1 I'd miss, 2 I'd trip before I got there, 3 gordon is just REAAAAALLY slow Lol

Ha, you don't seem like one of the crazies. Have fun. ;)

Usually I'm good about asking... but once or twice it slips my mind in the crazyness of the con and I hug said poor victim... erm If your one of mentioned victims... Sorry... ^_^0

If you glomped an Ashton cosplayer, that was me. If you don't know who "Ashton" is, you probably wouldn't want to glomp me anyway. ;) (unless you reeeeally liked my two stuffed dragons...)

I'm considering having the Science of Glomps panel early on Saturday, and everyone who comes can get a free button that says "GLOMP OK" in big, friendly letters, so people will know these folks are glomp-able. Might also have "NO GLOMPS" buttons for folks who want to make it clear. We will most assuredly have a "Glomp Safety" section with suggestions on the polite way to ask to glomp someone, and the polite way to accept a denial, etc., as well as how to hug someone and not hurt them, lol.

"NO GLOMPS" sounds a bit unfriendly. You should find a way to make it firm, but humorous!

I know someone who makes and sells buttons in artist's alley, but he didn't come to Kumori Con this year. I hope he'll come next year. Anyway, he can do on-site custom button jobs for cheap, but if it requires a printer you have to wait at least a day, since he doesn't bring his computer to his booth.

Or I could get his contact info, if this is catching your interest...
« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 06:30:00 pm by Radien »
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Offline TomtheFanboy

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #53 on: September 11, 2007, 01:30:24 pm »
I'm considering having the Science of Glomps panel early on Saturday, and everyone who comes can get a free button that says "GLOMP OK" in big, friendly letters, so people will know these folks are glomp-able. Might also have "NO GLOMPS" buttons for folks who want to make it clear. We will most assuredly have a "Glomp Safety" section with suggestions on the polite way to ask to glomp someone, and the polite way to accept a denial, etc., as well as how to hug someone and not hurt them, lol.

That is a great idea. I'll have to make sure that we have a Pocky Club representative there to get signatures on the Yes Glomp List and the Do Not Glomp List so Pocky Club's records can be even more accurate. Our lists only apply to deliveries but the buttons work for the whole convention.
Tom the Fanboy
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Offline DuckyL

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #54 on: September 12, 2007, 12:40:07 am »
hmmm looking through this, i think a panel would be much better than the glomp circle that was outside. i mean, i liked the thought, but i was constantsly getting glomped in all different manners throughout the weekend. so i avoided the glomp circle just because i was tired enough from the glomps i was getting just randomly. (and i was afraid that if i got too close, i'd be pulled in. nearly happened once. *shiver*) so if you *do* have said panel, it would make it easier on those of us that enjoy being glomped, but don't want to go out of our way for any addition glomp-age. if that makes sense... bascially, the panel means no more fear of being pulled into the glomp circle for me ^^;

also, you might want to consider getting a hold of some of those gym mats that cushion people's falls for when you demo the really crazy stuff >.> just in case.

and just to redeem myself, because i think i sound a bit cold to the idea, but i do love glomps. A LOT. otherwise i wouldn't have put myself in a position to be glomped all the time. but i had been glomped so much that i felt that if i joined in the circle, i would just open myself up to more glomps, at a potentially more violent level. so in the end, i was just trying to preserve myself for more glomps later on ^^

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Offline gemineye42

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #55 on: September 14, 2007, 07:50:40 pm »
Our demo-ers may need some extra padding, seeing as what happened while testing the sumo-suits.....>_>

And we can definitely make the "No glomp" buttons something funnier like "I'M ALLERGIC TO GLOMPS" or "GLOMP-FREE SINCE 1984" hehe.
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Offline superjaz

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #56 on: September 14, 2007, 09:58:10 pm »
once in my bio class the teacher was showing slides of dna that th reson we could see it was because the dye has glomped onto the dna, glomping on a cellular level
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Offline TanisNikana

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #57 on: September 15, 2007, 11:28:46 am »
I need to be glomped moar...

Offline Black~Rose

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Re: Glomp?.... what is Glomp? is it good or bad?.....
« Reply #58 on: September 15, 2007, 11:35:06 am »
^ Lol