Author Topic: An appoligy and thank you to the staff. I love you guys ^_^  (Read 25800 times)

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Offline Sushi_Glomper

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An appoligy and thank you to the staff. I love you guys ^_^
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2004, 07:12:07 pm »
Quote from: "modab"
you sure seem to treat the idea even of nudity liek it's satan's spawn

I think that sentence is inappropriate, and I'm pretty hurt.
Please reread this thread. A congoer complained. We were forced to look into it. We're unhappy to make people change costumes, but for a couple of reasons I personally don't want to discuss here, we decided we should say something about it. We knew that her dress was appropriate according to our rules, but the last thing we want at the con is adults complaining, so all we did was talk very politely with her. We didn't force her to change. We didn't ask her to leave. We LIKE her.

You know, it sounds a little like you want to escalate this, but please realize, we're a bunch of anime fans who are constantly freaking out that someone from the real-world is going to totally shut us down because a minor does something they feel is too over-the-line and they blame us personally or worse, sue us.

So yeah, minors pretending they are naked, over-18's selling kisses to everyone including minors, sleep-parties in the hallway suggestively titled as "orgies" (yes I know it was just sleeping and glomping!) cause the people who fund the con (me and other staff) to have nightmares at night, because stuff like this is what leads to the hotel/police/parents shutting us down if we're not careful, and we could also lose all our money and never be able to hold another con again.

All it takes is one bad incident. One mistake. That's how close to the edge we are the entire time. So please forgive us our wariness.

Thanks, and please be polite,
Peter Verrey, Kumoricon 2004 Programming Director

I did read the thread, and I had heard a share about it at the con.  I really do appologize for comming off like a jerk.  Im really not, and I appologize for comming off completely rude.  =^_^=  I understand why staffers had to do what they did, and I was more refferring to people that compalin about nakiness.  It take s a lot to work me up over things, so Im not tryign to instigate a riot, or anything.  I was a bit upset, over sioemthign I was told, that was said to sexiness reborn at the con, and I admit, that probably fueled me to come off a bit ruder than I actually mean, or feel liek being.  Writign it at 6 am on no sleep probably didn't help either.  Peace, modab?
<3 Sushi G

Offline rictheron

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« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2004, 08:39:08 pm »
I was just reading through threads and just finished this one.  Thought I would point out, giving the view of someone as yet uninvolved, you all are saying the same thing, agreeing and disagreeing on all the same points, the only debate seems to be the figurative pronounciation of tomato.  You're all saying the same thing, just in two different voices and apologizing to the others that you might be too loud.  We all want the con to be safe, we all want the con to be fun, we all want to have the con again for years to come.   :D
Jess Shelton
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Offline Teh Becca

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« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2004, 08:42:18 pm »
See, the thing is, though Portland is quite a liberal town, we WERE in a hotel, and that means people from out-of-state, and not all in the world share our beliefs...

I can see someone with a strict belief system being really upset by something like that. I'm glad it was handled the way it was.

Offline DarkenedElf

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« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2004, 08:54:44 pm »
That's why I didn't go flaunting up in a level beyond three (where I had to get my stuff from the car, to the bathroom, then three feet to the elevator) then LL1.  I myself am from Washington, but I happen to know a few of the Portland laws.. I kept it within the con.

And yet, I realize we're all mostly saying the same thing.  It's interesting to watch how so many people word, it, though.  Except when they're rude.. then it's just irritating.
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Offline zenix

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« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2004, 09:06:38 pm »
i saw a bumper sticking today it said keep portland wierd

Offline Teh Becca

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« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2004, 09:08:33 pm »
Quote from: "zenix"
i saw a bumper sticking today it said keep portland wierd
See, I'm pretty sure this is what we call "spam" -- totally off-topic, pointless posts that don't really have any meaning.

I know it doesn't effect much, as the con IS over, but would you please hold off on posting that kind of thing? It really annoys a lot of people.

Offline kylite

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« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2004, 09:12:44 pm »
amen to that.  wierd is good.  and the costume was good.  the opinions of some were bad, the opinion of others was good.  *shrugs*  all in all whats done is done.  *waves hi to both ladies who wore the costume* I was rootin for ya.
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
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Offline rictheron

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« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2004, 09:13:32 pm »
Personally I saw it as a light-hearted attempt to change the subject.  To each their own. :)
Jess Shelton
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Offline zenix

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« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2004, 09:58:27 pm »
yes changing the subject is good and yes it would be spam but this topic need to atleast end with some humor

Offline Radien

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« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2004, 11:02:59 pm »
You can never assume your post is "ending" a topic unless you're a moderator who is about to lock it. Also, changing the subject when it's clearly stated in the name of the topic is not realistic. This is a forum, not a chat room; the way we change subjects is to switch to different threads. Believe me, it works.

This is a very public forum that values all kinds of feedback, so I'm not going to use any mod powers unless something obviously inappropriate is said (and even then I'd be hesitant), but just please keep that in mind.


(moderator switch OFF!)

(bias switch ON!)

I would like to please warn the Sailor Moon fans not to fall into the trap of saying "if you aren't a moonie you wouldn't understand." Each of us has our interests. Many of us hate anime series that others absolutely love. An anime convention, by definition, is a testament to our ability as fellow fans to come together, and share what we have in common overall: we love anime.

I know as well as anybody how this goes. I used to get annoyed at certain series and elements overflowing at any particular convention. I hate Dragonball Z. I dislike Sailor Moon. I'm lukewarm about Final Fantasy and Naruto.

But I shrug at the Dragonball Z costumes, I smile at the choreographed Sailor Moon performances, and I laugh myself crazy when I watch the hilarious skits and parodies put out by the Final Fantasy and Naruto cosplayers.

I don't share all your tastes. But I can still love watching what happens when you express your unique view of a fandom. In short, I don't need to enjoy the series you enjoy in order to appreciate you.

Now regarding the actual costume itself, the staff's treatment of your outfit is not a reflection of your personal character or tastes. For instance, there was one cosplayer going around as a fully-clothed flop-eared bunnygirl whom she identified as "from a hentai series." The show itself would not be appropriate for the convention, but her costume definitely was. (it was quite cute, in fact)

Anyway, in the end I see two sides of this... both want to be right, but care much more about remaining on friendly terms. This is good. :) If everyone here knew eachother for more than 3-4 days, I'm sure we'd all be joking and smiling again by now. I wish you could see the looks on the faces of Pezcat, Procyon, and modab when they feel as though they've slighted someone. They really do care about this con and all the people coming to see it.

(By the way, I mentioned those people in particular because I've talked to all three recently about how the con went...I don't see QEvil/Sean as much since he lives in Portland now)
A member of Eugene Cosplayers. Come hang out with us.

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Offline zenix

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« Reply #60 on: September 09, 2004, 01:21:51 am »
i did not mean my post should be the last one it just looked like this thread was winding down maybe end was the wrong choice of words

dont you think a bit of humor at the end of a contraversial thread is good?

if u feel i have oversteped any bounds in any way i am truly sorry

i think i need to shut up for a few day i seem to be getting myself it trouble brain must need a reset :P


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« Reply #61 on: September 09, 2004, 03:34:22 pm »
Quote from: "Radien"
Now, if any staff are outright rude to you, that's another matter. But please consider what it's like on our end, okay? We're people too. :)

i hate to sound rude or annoying but it'd be really nice if the security people didn't stop 2-feet away from you, stare you up and down for an insanely uncomfortable amount of time, then finally growl "BADGE?!" at you. it only happened once but it was very disturbing for me, especially since the same security person felt the need to touch me later. without my permission. i dont mind touching, as any of you who know me knows, but i dont like it from people i dont know, particular after the afore-mentioned incident  :( [/i]

Offline DarkenedElf

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« Reply #62 on: September 09, 2004, 04:01:01 pm »
*Cuddles Toki-chan*

It is kinda true that if you're not a Sailormoon fan you woulden't quite understand the signifigance, though.  Not saying you don't understand... more of just dosen't have the same impact I suppose.  But yeah.. that's the best thing about little cons, though... you can become friends quickly, and forgive and forget easily. ^^
When I get a snappy quote, it'll go here.  Trust me.


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« Reply #63 on: September 09, 2004, 04:07:29 pm »
yeah! im not a Sailor Moon fan AT ALL, or Naruto, or any of the other animes that i didn't even recognize (there were a lot, too) but i still realize that other people do like these things and they're more significant to those people. darkened elf is my favorite lap candy and sexiness_reborn is a good friend as well (i have pics of you!) and i saw FAR worse at Sakura Con, so i just oogled them and...well...started an "orgy"  :oops:  i understand everyone's position in this thing and well...IT WAS GREAT WHILE IT LASTED!!!  :D

Offline kylite

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« Reply #64 on: September 09, 2004, 11:17:18 pm »
i hope it wasnt me, i tried to mention badges nicely and never touched anyone without permission.  im the one in the blue security outfit :).
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
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Offline DarkenedElf

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« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2004, 05:18:43 am »
No, no, I'm fairly sure it wasn't you, Kylite.  ^^;
When I get a snappy quote, it'll go here.  Trust me.

Offline Radien

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« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2004, 01:48:04 pm »

You're not doing anything horrible, it's just that making it out to be no big deal isn't really going to help much. Plenty of things which shouldn't be a big deal, become big deals, just because that's what happens when you deal with a thousand people gathered in one place. What can ya do?


Yeah, there was a suggestion to that effect in Help/Suggestions/Complaints. It was brought up at the Eugene staff meeting last night, in response to forum comments.

The problem is keeping security volunteers informed of their boundaries and limits. Since we were so low on volunteers and staff, many of them were thrown into the job rather suddenly. Next year we hope to have, bare minimum, a rules and guidelines handout and a quick briefing for each volunteer before they have any interaction with the public.

We had the problem because of lack of volunteers and a rush to recruit them; Sakura Con has had the problem because they have more volunteers than they can easily keep track of. Hopefully we can overcome that as we grow.
A member of Eugene Cosplayers. Come hang out with us.

Kumori Con 2010 Cosplays:

Link (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
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Offline Sushi_Glomper

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« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2004, 01:24:47 pm »
Quote from: "RebeccaLynne"
Quote from: "zenix"
i saw a bumper sticking today it said keep portland wierd
See, I'm pretty sure this is what we call "spam" -- totally off-topic, pointless posts that don't really have any meaning.

I know it doesn't effect much, as the con IS over, but would you please hold off on posting that kind of thing? It really annoys a lot of people.

It wasn't spam though. It was related to the portland being liberal thing.  Spam would be if someone came in and said "I am a giant pig monkey.  WHo wants fries?" randomly.  And now, zenix is appologizing...and I don't know why. (I had to say something...It was rude)
<3 Sushi G