Author Topic: AMV Contest Greatness  (Read 3716 times)

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  • Oni
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AMV Contest Greatness
« on: September 08, 2004, 08:01:09 am »
Hello Kumoricon fans! Did anyone else notice the quality of the AMV submissions this year? It really surprised me that a con, only in its second year, produced such a good show...... Hit me if Im wrong... but I would go as far to say that it was better than S-kon.

In fact, the whole con had a much more friendly/fun feel to it. Being a long time S-kon attendee (baka-con if anyone remembers), and with this being my first year at Kumoricon... I freakin loved it. The entire time I was laughing at the hijinks (two guys making out for 2 dolla) and the skits(dude! were NINJAS!) .

Anyways, Portland rocks. Tell me if my blashphemy is completly untrue.. or if some are out there that agree this was the best con the NW has ever seen.