My view on politics in general. You must exercise your rights, in order to earn the privilege of bitching about them not going the way you like.
I was not able to vote in 2000 (just missed it by a few months... bloody pisser that was), but I have voted EVERY election that I can since.
I have earned my right to bitch, to shout at the top of my lungs that I am so looking forward to an election where the choice isn't, as I believe it was Lewis Black put it, a choice between two bags of ****.
Also, I'm not registered for a party either. I absolutely loath and despise the party system. It fosters an Us vs Them attitude, when candidates should only be classified based on issues that matter to you. More likely a list of various interest organizations would be compiled, you'd assign weights to the orgs, who will have assigned weights to candidates. Multiply add, etc, and each candidate then has a ranking, and you can look through the top whatever to see who best matches your view.