Honestly I'm not sure who all was told to watch out for 'con-whoring' (term I'll use for all the self selling stuff from here on), I just remember someone from the programming staff mentioning that we should have zero tolerance for it. As a former private security guard (ie, I have read and understand the laws and regulations) I have to agree full heartedly, there are a slew of laws out there which could make the con and everyone involved liable for any problems resulting from that sort of stuff. For instance an underage con goer selling kisses and getting one from someone over 18. If anything happened involving this, someone complained or what not, the con could be viewed as condoning illegal activities. So I say, definately we need to maintain a zero tolerance and actually write it into the reg and pre-reg forms, though in short form, just to cover our gluteous maximi.
I don't like being a hardass but in this case it does involve con-goer comfort, protecting the con, and most importantly protecting the con-goers.