NOTE: Semi-angsty/depressed person here needing help with her friendship D: If you don't like topics like this, leave now and spare yourself the time... =w=
I hate posting personal matters in places like this, but I'm just completely at a loss right now ._.
I can't post it on the sites I usually go on because she watches me there, and I don't really want to hurt her feelings much, so....
I have this friend that I have went to Sakuracon this year with, and Kumoricon the last. At first I thought it would be fun to meet up again once in a while, since she lives in Seattle and I'm in Oregon, and we have been 'friends, so to speak, since around 4th grade.
But... she's kind of changed. I like talking to her and visiting her, but I don't like her staying with me when I go to cons anymore. She'll call me names, share stories (though they're true >_>) about me behind my back, and will even physically hurt me at times... It's hard to ignore, and it just ruins my con experience and all the fun I wish I could be having in my little safe-haven.
That's why I was so lonely at sakuracon, and didn't join in on any games in the courtyard. ._.; I've talked to her about it.... Though it hasn't improved much at all. (At least the physical abuse has went down =w= ) And I really, REALLY have no idea how I'm supposed live through another con with her.
I mean... I don't want to make it hard for her, since I know she likes kumoricon and it would be hard for her to get a hotel... But meh. I don't think I can deal with having her in my house and following me around for most of the con. We have our good times, but....
I hate how it's near impossible to 'break up' with friends.
Anyone have any tips for how I can deal with her? I could try to get her to change, but what could I do that wouldn't make her start laughing at it being 'corny', or that wouldn't seem too much like therapy?
Or maybe I could just not let her stay with me for Kcon... To me, it seems like the best way out...
EDIT; FGHSDJAJHFL Okay maybe I should note. The day before Sakuracon she tried to kill herself with an overdose of some sort. o_o; So... this is harder than I thought. Whenever I ask, or anyone asks, she just says she's depressed and doesn't know why. She'll say 'it runs in the family' or something =w=; I... think I know what I should say to her, but I really want some input on this.