the whole skining stuff makes me think of an eisode of my childhood i think i was 9 i was still pretty little, it helps to know that my mom's side of the family is native american and me and my fam are all mebers in a tribe (no foolin even tho i white as snow)
i was at a native american supply store with my grandma and mom and they were getting leather twine for dream catchers, the older guy who ran the store noticed me
"hey girl first time in the store?"
guy:"then you get a free rabbit! come up here and pick one out
mom :isnt that nice go get one"
me...with thoughts of cute little hoppy bunnys dancin in my head "okay"
guy pulling out a box of rabbit skins "go ahead and pick one out you like"
me taking first one off the top . . ."okay...........t..thank you?"
then my mom starts sneazin a storm and my grandma got rid of it
the end