I'm Duo, and at the moment I'm the only one in my group with a nerf gun. That may change though as the con gets closer (and if I have anything to do with it). XD Oh, and our Wufei can actually fence, so if anyone wants to sword fight instead of nerf fight, that works too. X3
I think we'll prolly meet up in the park because (1) that's where most of the photoshoots take place, (2) there isn't really any other "Gundam Wing-esq" setting at the con that would be better, and (3) that's teh only place we can have a nerf fight (no projectiles in the con space : P ). We'll figure out time later when it gets closer to the con.
Oh, and I'll have a scythe, too. Not that that's very easy to fight with, but I'll have it. XD;
DUO! *tackles and glomps to the ground* Heh, you will be tackled in real life by me, as a forwarning...
I may or may not have a Wufei, if she can work around her teaching schedule and such, she'll definately come.
Cool, I don't really know how to fence, but I can kinda handle a sword. I seem to have a knack for fighting, no matter what kind. May be a pretend fencing match, or something since I don't want to be poked in the arm by a sword...>.<;;
By the time Kumoricon comes, I'll have one or two nerf guns, and people can borrow if need be.
We should meet the day before or something, and go the park and decide the location just in case people may not know where it is. *is horrible with directions*
Need help planning? *grins* I've got a lot of free time, I don't mind.