Author Topic: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008  (Read 3040 times)

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K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« on: August 28, 2008, 09:35:48 pm »
Hey K-Conners...I will be writing an article for The Yuuyake Shimbun again this year about Kumoricon. Last year was the first year we covered the convention, so it was a pretty "introductory" article, and I don't necessarily want to repeat the same article again. I hope to get a few quotes from attendees using this thread. I will be attending at least 2 days (probably 3) but sometimes it is hard to interview people in the middle of the action.

From this thread, I am hoping to hear from "average everyday attendees", so to speak, not necessarily staff (but that is OK, too, and I will be actively getting quotes from the big-wigs after the Con is over.)

Please respond here or email me at  MECHAMECHAMEDIA  @  GMAIL  (DOT)  COM . I hope I can use your names, so if you don't want to put your name on this thread, then please feel free to email me. I can use "anon" comments, too, but depending on how people respond, I cannot guarantee anything will make it to print.

So, on the eve of the Con, basically....

1) What are you looking forward to the most?

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?

I'll post some more questions after the Con starts. Feel free to answer all, some, or none of these questions, and feel free to email me with comments, feelings ideas. This is a con made by, of and for otaku, and I hope to get that point across in an article (should appear in October's Yuuyake Shimbun).

John T

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 11:14:10 pm »
1) What are you looking forward to the most?
It's hard to look forward to something MOST, since one of the main things I like about cons is it has all the things I like rolled together! But... I probably am looking forward to being able to hang out with tons of people with the same interests as me. Being able to hang out with old friends I haven't seen in a long time, and being able to make new friends!

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
All the cool people there who are okay with me being my weird self :P Not to mention All the fun experiences, cosplayers, and rare merchandise!

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
My costumes for this con would probably be a little under a hundred ^^; I've worked on them little by little since last con, so I'm not sure exactly how long they've taken ._.
Preparing for the con... Well all this month I've been getting people's contact info and sorting my plans. I couldn't resist waiting to pack my backpack to carry around the con with me, and I actually did that yesterday ^^

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
I guess it's a lot like that... It pretty much is to me, too! Being around so many people just like you, who don't mind dressing up in weird costumes or acting like the opposite gender or something silly like that~ And everyone tends to be so friendly and accepting. It's like you've known everyone for years, too, with all the inside-jokes! Some first-time congoers really love the con experience, and say they feel like they're IN an anime~ I don't know if it's because of the great experiences or the cosplayers, but everyone usually has something great happen to them at a con that they never forget ;3

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
Well aside from a lot of friends that I've met at various meetups ahead of time, and on the convention forums... I'm not really sure x3 Hopefully I'll be able to go to the dance this year, even though it's so late..?

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
The same thing as always... I'm worried I might forget something at home again on the day of the con D8 Or maybe the line to pick up my badge will be really long, even if I get there early...
Not many worries though. The things I hope will go right heavily outweigh my worries, and I tend not to think about them so much~ The con season is a happy time ;3

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
... I think there's someone coming in from florida? There's a thread about that somewhere in here o_o

One of the best things about Kumoricon is; You'll never know what's going to happen! That's what makes it so fun! I know I sound repetitive, but it's what I think x3 On that note though, I also mean that if you plan things, it's unlikely your plans will go exactly how you want them, too... Like one year, I planned out my schedule so extensively, yet was just hanging around with some new friends most of the time! I still had fun though, nonetheless. :3

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 11:25:44 pm »
Thanks Hazuza!

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 08:26:22 am »
1) What are you looking forward to the most?
- I am looking forward to the cosplay element of the con. I put so much work into my costume and to wear it around and know that people enjoy it and want photos, it's a great feeling. Also, seeing all the other costumes and maxing out my camera's memory with tons of photos is one of my favorite things to do.

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
- The totally amorous vibe that pervades every aspect of the con. Everyone is there for the same thing, a common love of anime and Japanese culture. I have never encountered problems with anyone and it is just like paradise for me, an annual escape where I can engulf myself in all that I love and enjoy.

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
- I've probably spent about $300 on my costume for this year, but time-wise it has taken me months to get everything together. (Here on the last day it still isn't done, heh). It depends a lot on the costume, but most of the time I spend about 1-2 months on a costume, and con prep.

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
- I completely agree. Not that I encounter much ill intent from "normal people" when not at the con, but I can definitely allow myself to obsess and go nuts at the con. It is a very liberating environment, that's for sure.

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
- The Polystyrene Prop panel. I missed it last year and was glad to see it was being brought back this year, so I am gonna be sure to check it out this time.

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
- If I am going to have problems fitting my cosplay weapon (a 7' cannon) in the hotel's hallways and passages. I'm hoping I don't have any troubles. I'm hoping it is allowed, lol.

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
- I heard someone was coming from Australia, I think.

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 11:04:35 am »
1) What are you looking forward to the most?
-I agree with EveofAbyss:  cosplay.  I like seeing costume work, particuarly costumes where people do something unexpected.

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
-That it's there?  Honestly, there are few things quite like a full-blown anime con.  You don't find a collection of games, anime, snazzy collectibles and crazy costumes like this anywhere else.

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
-Well, I believe that I've spent about $200-$300 this year on two costumes, though part of that amount includes left over materials that I'll use for future endeavors.  I've been working on my stuff for about 9 months now.  I also want to mention that I have made four costumes for two people, but just one of them amounted for 70% of the money I've spent.  Trying new things can get expensive.

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
-I think that if I dressed up as a giant robot on Christmas people would look at me strangely, but this weekend I'll only get some amused faces.

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
-Every year I want to go play Go, but I always find myself doing something else. 

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
-When in one of my costumes I'll be unable to scratch my nose.  I'll be able to reach it, but I'll be wearing white gloves and black face make-up.  I just know I'm going to do it, but I have to try and resist!

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
-My goodness, I have no idea.  I know that people come from all over to go to conventions.  It's sort of shocking to stop and think that someone might be coming all the way acrossed the country to Portland just for our local anime con.
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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2008, 11:57:22 am »
1) What are you looking forward to the most?
In terms of planned events, probably the yuri & hentai panels. But really, the unexpected, unofficial stuff is generally the best.

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
A lot of things. The events are always fun. The exhibitors hall is a great place to pick up things that I wouldn't normally be able to find, as well as meet up with artists I know through the Internet. But mainly, I'm a hardcore fan of Japanese visual culture, and conventions are the best way to be around like-minded people, discuss things that interest me, and celebrate Japanese culture.

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
Let's see...probably a little over $100 on my Kaiji outfit. In terms of time, it's hard to say. Several hours, though.

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
Kumoricon is much better than Christmas. It and Sakuracon are the only two annual events that I REALLY look forward to.

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
It would be nice to see more hardcore, unofficial stuff, as well as find more people who have a deeper knowledge of Japanese visual culture. The sea of Naruto headbands and half-assed L outfits gets to be a bit much at times. But since I keep a sense of humor about it, it doesn't bother me too much.

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
There's not very many events that I'm super-excited about on Sunday, but I'm sure I'll find plenty of awesome things to do, and it'll give me some time to wander the halls in my cosplay.

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
I live just down the freeway, so I'm not exactly going out of my way for it. Last year, I know there was a guy from some European country. Ireland, I want to say, but I'm not sure. It was mentioned during the closing ceremonies.
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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2008, 12:06:55 pm »

1) What are you looking forward to the most?

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?

1. Just the con in general i would say, the fun of it and thrill.... and the cosplay :3

2. The atmosphere! i love the crazzy atidute everyone has and how it always seems you can have a hell of a time even just sitting around in the hallways or waitin for your badge in the huge line the first day

3. ............ the bill for my costume is something i do not wish to repeat here, i will say for all of them in total it went over 300 dollers. and time? i started work on the first costume back in halloween and just finished it early early this mourning lots of time (and blood) gets put into costumes

4. Christmas? I guess you could say that in a way, its a once a year holiday kind of, (course its longer than christmas thank god :3) although i wouldnt go far as to say its my personal christmas, but i would say it seems like its a safe place to be myself.... its one of those thisn where you mark off the days all year round untill it gets here!

5. Hmm... I dont know, I cant imagine what kind of cooky things are going to go on im just glad im going to be there for them :3 it would be nice if i could find that darn glomp circle though >.>

6. Worries? Not finding my cell phone on time for one... the other would not be having my cosplays up to par with everyone else because im not the best seamstress, or just not having enough fun really. i want to be able to enjoy it all to the fullest and i know i tend to worry over the smalelst things to much till something good passes away from me.

7. Hm i dont know.... i know we had a thread about it at one point (i think) but im actualy a quick bus ride away, im stayin at the hotel for convience so i dont have to wake up at 4 or 3 in the mourning to get my costume, grab my thinsg, and run to the car and be there on time for all the events (4 in the mourn because i have one particulary hard to put on costume)
returning with a vengeance to K con~

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2008, 02:46:11 pm »
1) What are you looking forward to the most?
The forum meet-up panel and the Host Club tea party!
2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
Well, it's an anime convention. It's a place I can go to and be my nerdy self without being laughed at for it because almost everyone there loves anime (and related things) too. I can have fun even if I don't have any friends with me, and it's just an environment in which I feel like I belong. Also, I've met a bunch of neat people through the Kumoricon forums and this is the big chance to get to see them all.
3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
For the most expensive new costume this year I spent about $60... But 1/3 of that is due to shipping because I ordered stuff last-minute. x.x I will never do it again! It's killer!
But I've been preparing for this con since the last one I went to, which was Sakura-Con, so about 5 months. After one con ends, I start preparing for the next one.  :D
4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
I agree, it's that way for me too. Like I said in response to the second question. Also, I tend to buy gifts for my friends who couldn't make it; so I guess it's kind of like Christmas in that aspect, though I don't actually celebrate Christmas.
5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
I've never gone to any photoshoots before, and this year I'm planning on going to three of them. I'm really excited!  :D
6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
I'm worried that I'm going to make the wrong decision about which events/panels to go to. Should I go to the cosplay contest, or go to the random panel of doom, the anime list, and story, story, die!? It's a tough decision!!
7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
I don't know.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 02:56:02 pm by Cassiopeia »
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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2008, 03:10:03 pm »
1) What are you looking forward to the most?
the energy
2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
local con I got involved with when i first moved to Oregon. Even tho I am not in Oregon any more, I am still coming back
3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
Prep for the con - one year since I am a staffer
Amount spent on costume - $22.50 not counting labor
4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
I love that it is a place for people of all ages and all social standings to get together and enjoy the fandom. I really believe there is nothing else like it.
5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
live action Death Note!
6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
I am the Industry Manager and I have tried to prepare for any eventuality - but I'm afraid that something always comes up unexpectedly. However, I am not afraid that we can't deal with it!
7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
I don't know - could be me from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. But someone from Japan might have me beat  :D

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2008, 05:00:24 pm »
These are great answers, guys! Thanks for your help, and keep 'em coming.

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2008, 05:06:55 pm »
This looks fun! I'll fill it out. ^^' My name's Shauna by the way. >.>

1) What are you looking forward to the most?
I'm looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends! I'm also looking forward to all of the vendors. ^^'

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon?
It seems that everyone at Kumoricon are full of love. Even if you don't know someone, people treat you like your best friend. If the world was more like Kumoricon, I get the feeling that we would actually have peace.

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con?
I spend probably about $140 on my costume this year. ^^' And I've been preparing for the con ever since last year's con ended! :D

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that?
I believe that it's very true. I've never seen anybody put anyone else down. Everyone is so incredibly kind, no matter what anime you're dressed from, or what gender you are. They say that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but I think Kumoricon is!

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year?
There really isn't anything that I'd like to see different. I had such a great time last year, I just don't see anyway to improve.

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con?
The only thing that worries me is that I might not have as much fun as I did last year, since last year was my first year. However, I'm pretty sure I'll have a great time.

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon?
Definately not me. ^^ lol

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Re: K-Con article(s) in THE YUUYAKE SHIMBUN, 2008
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2008, 05:26:39 am »
1) What are you looking forward to the most? Probably either the Host Club Tea Party or just the atmosphere. The atmosphere at an anime convention is one of a kind!

2) What draws you to come to Kumoricon? The entire atmosphere, the unique food, the people, the costumes. the list is endless, really.

3) How much time and/or money have you spent on a costume? How much time have you spent just preparing for the Con? Including hotel and everything...I would say about $300. So far!

4) Many people described Kumoricon as their own personal Christmas, and a safe place to be themselves to me last year. What do you think of that? I think that's a pretty good description. To us who only get to go to one anime convention a year, this is like Christmas. We get to see our friends who live farther away, and have lots of fun just being random! Also, the fact that it's fan-run I think helps.

5) What are you hoping to see that you didn't see last year? Pesonally, I only went for about four hours last year, and I was not dressed up. So, unless you count that, this would still be my first con!

6) What is something that worries you about this years Con? ...I seriously don't want to break my ankle or something in the first couple hours. Haha! I mean, those first hours today[as the day on the con] are pretty key for me. I just don't want to embarress myself and end up falling on my rear end. Also, the lack of sleep. It would be pretty heart-breaking to me if I slept through the Con!

7) Who is coming the furthest to get to Kumoricon? I can probably assure you that there's a topic somewhere about it. But, I'm only travelling about 60 miles.

XD Thought you could always use more answers.