Hi there everyone! I have 200 glowsticks that I will be selling before and during the Convention! They come in 5 different colors: pink, blue, green, yellow, and orange!!! These are the high intensity glow sticks that will glow even brighter than the average glowstick but they have a shorter glow life. Lucky for you all I am selling the individual glow bracelets at $1, buy three for $2.50, glow balls kits take 10 glow bracelets and it will cost you $12. Limited supply on the Glow ball kits as I only have 4.
I will be at the Convention Hotel the afternoon of the 29th and will be there for the entire Convention. Once the schedule is made available I will inform you all where to find me through out the Con! so you can either pick up glowsticks you have pre-ordered or to buy them in person!
Currently in stock:
Ball Kits-4