This thread exists to keep track of all the cosplay photoshoots that occur during the year.
Please keep this spam free. If you have anything to discuss that is not directly related to photoshoots then kindly take it elsewhere~
I'll also be including meetups where cosplay will be a major part in italics~When stating your photoshoot be sure to include:
- The series that is being cosplayed from
- The date of which it is occurring
- The time it will be happening
- The place to meet at
- Whether it's private or public
Happy cosplaying 8~D
JuneLolita Meetup - 6/14/09 - 12-3:30pm -Portland Rose Gardens - Restricted (Must fill out application form)Kuroshitsuji - 6/27/09 - N/A - Sam's House - Private
JulyKumoricon Dance - 7/18/09 - TBA - TBA - Public (14+)
AugustKingdom Hearts - 8/1/09 - N/A - Train Station - Public
Pokemon Gijinka- 8/22/09 -TBA - Washington Park - Public
SeptemberFor Kumoricon shoots, please see nikkiolie's thread: - 9/4/09 - 1PM - Hilton Hotel - Private
Organization (KH) - 9/6/09 - N/A - Around Kumoricon - Private