Author Topic: Lets get to know each other : D  (Read 12979 times)

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Offline Dubaby

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2009, 05:48:28 pm »
Do you have pets? If so, what are they? My awesome dog... He's 14 years old and I've had him forever <333
What's the last picture you took? Took a bunch of pictures yesterday at my brothers 22nd Birthday shindig
Last thing you said out loud? "Magical..." lol
Last thing you laughed at? My mom, she cracks me up. =]
Where are you right now? Sitting my living room as per usual
Do you know what your first name means? Yes I do... I have a fascination with names and geneology
What is it, what does it mean? Kaitlyn; spelt a variety of ways it is a celtic name that means "pure"
What's your favorite board game? Loaded Questions.... for sure. My friends and I have a blast playing that game because our answers are always so ridiculous XD
Whats your favorite video game? Changes depending on my mood... I spent a few months working at a store selling video games so you could say I play a bit of everything =]
What's the last video game you beat? Probably Kingdom Hearts 2, I've beaten that whole series too many times to count. Now that I think about it, that's probably easily my fave.
What did you do today? Came home from my friends house, went to the mall with my mom, and then came home and chilled.
What tabs do you have open right now? This and facebook
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do? Nope, I got everything I needed too done ^_^
What are you having for dinner? Had Little Ceaser's pizza... yummmm!
What are three objects around you? My doggy, 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,' and a picture of me and my family =D
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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #101 on: July 26, 2009, 08:07:26 pm »
I like taking quizzes... on my last quiz "Which ff7 DoC character are you" I was Genisis Rhapsodos. I have an adrenaline deficiency which causes me to get scaitic pinch. I throw up after any ride on the Gravatron. I'm a pescatarian. I have a collection of lamps and of ladybugs. I'm an actress by nature. *Looks at other peoples posts*
All depression has its roots in self-pity, and all self-pity is rooted in people taking themselves too seriously.
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Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #102 on: July 26, 2009, 08:08:22 pm »
I love reading the answers!
I miss 2010.

Offline Darknight2433

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #103 on: July 27, 2009, 12:13:44 pm »

Do you have pets? If so, what are they? 5 kitties, including Mittens, and 2 dogs, and other...crap. xD
What's the last picture you took? Some haunted thing and it freaked me out.
Last thing you said out loud? "LEXIE!"
Last thing you laughed at? Haley, cracking up about how my cat kneads. She was laughing sooo hard.
Where are you right now? In the computer room~!
Do you know what your first name means? Yuh, kinda.
What is it, what does it mean?  Pearl or somethin'. Precious one? Dang if that's right. :D
What's your favorite board game? The Game of Life! I love that game! I like having a ton of children and stuffing them into my car. <3
Whats your favorite video game? Drakengard, I guess. It's BA.
What's the last video game you beat? Rachet and Clank: UYA.
What did you do today? Woke up, had a laughing fit with Haley, ate some potato salad, got a call from my mom telling me I was going camping today, went potty, washed my hands, stayed in the bathroom a bit because I was confused of where I was, then I got on the computer~
What tabs do you have open right now? Another K-con one and Youtube of "The Bravest Man I Ever Knew". LOVE that song.
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do? Be productive? :3
What are you having for dinner? Heck if I know.
What are three objects around you? Potato Salad, my Harry Potter Wand, and Vitamin Water~
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 02:03:31 pm by CatchxMe »

Offline makichan

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #104 on: July 27, 2009, 02:00:38 pm »
Do you have pets? If so, what are they?  Yes. 2 cats :3
What's the last picture you took? A new friend of mine gave me an army uniform and told me to pose with everyone else so I hammed it up.
Last thing you said out loud?  Idk... "Bye"?
Last thing you laughed at? Lovely Complex. "ku-ku-kuma ka-kaaareee" lololol
Where are you right now?  In my studio
Do you know what your first name means?  Yes.
What is it, what does it mean?  Marquise: 1) A pointed oval shape of a gem.
What's your favorite board game?  Sorry.
Whats your favorite video game? Para para paradise... not that I'm good at it but w/e
What's the last video game you beat?  Uuuuummm... I can't remember :'D
What did you do today?  Got the papers for our new apartment, ordered pizza, found a way to keep the place nice and cool.
What tabs do you have open right now?  This one and FireFTP. I've been watching a lot of anime on it.
Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do? Err, I really don't have anything that I have to do, so nothing for now.
What are you having for dinner?  Probably leftover pizza XD
What are three objects around you? Cell, a fan, speakers, pizza crust on a plate, etc. lol
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Offline kayfig

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #105 on: July 27, 2009, 04:13:57 pm »
Do you have pets? If so, what are they?
I have two fluffly black brothers named Sasuke and Itachi.. We thought we were insanely clever by giving them blue(Sasuke) and red(Itachi) collars.  Sasuke is incredibly skiddish and like to steal any loose change and hide it where as Itachi is a fat, loveable idiot.

What's the last picture you took?
The last picture I took was when I was walking to work, guy in his 50's across on the street across from me while waiting for the light to turn.  He was what Light Yagami would have been.. was wearing a perfect cosplay outfit and heading to downtown Portland's police pricinct.

Last thing you said out loud?
... "Just because your goat's nipples pucker doesn't mean that your dog's been suckeling".... >_>;;

Last thing you laughed at?
My coworkers fears that her dog's been drinking from her mother goat. .....yeah..

Where are you right now?
In my cubical, hiding from the heat~

Do you know what your first name means?
It's dirived from the first prayer of the Catholic Mass. "Kyrie Eleasion" meaning "God have mercy"

What is it, what does it mean?
*See above*

What's your favorite board game?
Clue, I'm always Mr. Green.

Whats your favorite video game?
Dark Cloud

What's the last video game you beat?
Legend of Mana

What did you do today?
Worked.. dicked off by posting on just about every forum posting I found.

What tabs do you have open right now?
Aetna Health Insurance internal documentation site(3),,, and NY Times.

Was there something you were supposed to do today that you didn't do?
Yeah, my job. XP

What are you having for dinner?
I never know until I've started it.

What are three objects around you?
"The Well of Ascension" by Brandon Sanderson
Dungeons and Dragons standard dice set (d4 thru d20)
The American Heritage College Dictionary

Offline Dubaby

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Re: Lets get to know each other : D
« Reply #106 on: August 05, 2009, 07:12:37 pm »
Been awhile since anyone posted on here so I thought I'd get the ball rolling again with a new quizzy =]

Do you admire anyone?: The people in my family =]  
Who is the last person that called you: The people I babysit for  
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Someone at the Masquerade at Sakuracon  
What makes you laugh the most: Probably my brother, he's the funniest person I know.
What makes you smile: Little things  
Do you like filling these out: It helps stave off boredom.    
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: I have reading glasses for when I do computer work or read small print for too long. (I have them on right now.)  

Do you have piercings other than your ears: Just my bellybutton    
Have you stolen anything over $30?: Never stolen anything  
Want to have children?: I LOVE KIDS!!! I just don't want any right now ^_^  
Do you like mornings?: If I've had enough rest then their fine  
Do you enjoy seafood?: In moderation  
What are you listening to right now: "Jerusalum" by: Matisyahu  
What did you do yesterday: Went bowling, helped my brother and his gf pick out a new fishy, and played Wii Sports.    
Got any awards: "Outstanding Drama Student" at my High School
What car do you wish to have: Shelby Cobra.... for sure  
Do you want to get married: Eventually... but not for a LONG while.  
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: I wish my hair was thicker *grumble grumble*  
Good driver: I'm told that I'm an excellent driver. I have a really good sense of direction too which helps!  
Good dancer: No... I'll admit to that.  
Good Singer: Decent, I was able to get into my schools musical so I'm not terrible. XD  
Have a lava lamp: A purple one, but it's lost somewhere in the dark hole I call my closet....    
How many remote controls are in your house: At least 7....  
Are you double jointed: NOOOOOO  
What do you dream about: Really funny/weird stuff involving my friends. lol    
The last movie you saw at the theatres: HARRY POTTER!!!!!!    
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: NEITHER!!! I hate both!    
Vanilla or chocolate: Depends on the treat!    
Silver or Gold: Silver.  
Diamond or pearl: Pearls are pretty classy =]  
Sunset or Sunrise: SUNSET  
Sprite or 7up: Sprite is better at quenching my thirst.  
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple juice, it's never in my house so it's more of a treat  
Cats or dogs: I have a dog, but I think cats are super cool... I can never have one though because EVERY guy in my family is allergic to the maxxxxxx  
Coffee or tea: Tea... I don't like coffee at all  
Phone or in person: In-person... I'm super akward and monotone on the phone unless your a super special person.  
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: I'm the youngest of two.....    
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoors is always refreshing  
Describe Yourself In One Word: Quirky?  
Your proudest accomplishment: My Theatre accomplishments and becoming a '7 Star Thespian'    
Dream job: Being an actress, but unless a fairy flies down from the sky that's not gonna happen, so I'm at school to be an elementary school teacher. =D    
Causes you believe in: Helping out your community by volunteering and helping donate to charities who help people less fortunate than yourself.  
Special talents: Played violin for 10 years.... don't pla yanymore though so now I kinda suck. lol    

Famous person you'd like to meet: Zachary Quinto. He just seems really intelligent and interesting. Him being totally adorable doesn't hurt either ;]
Place to visit before you die: Anywhere exotic... I'd like to take my dad to see Scotland and Ireland at some point and my mom to France and the Netherlands.  
Song to be played at your funeral: 'Saeglopur' by: Sigur Ros. It's such a beautiful song....
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 07:15:08 pm by Dubaby »
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD