1) The old and new bylaws both say "The Board may change the principal address from one location within, or outside of, the State of Oregon to another location at their discretion. The Secretary shall note any such change and the Board shall amend the bylaws, by majority vote at a Board Meeting, to reflect any such change." It was noted that it is silly to have an amendment to change the address is the address is not indicated in the first place. While bylaws amendments in general require 2/3 Board and majority Membership votes to pass, this particular item is indicated as an exception, requiring only majority Board to update.
2) a) I think you mean Member-Elected, since that is what you are, and the Board would have no need to "appoint" a replacement Board-Elected Position in lieu of simply electing a replacement. b) Assuming that to be the case, no. Under the current bylaws, the Board does not have any sort of "emergency" powers. While this may be a good idea for amendment in the future, and could be considered a loophole that deserves closing, we did not address this under the current draft.
I personally would recommend against attempting to add emergency powers of appointment for a couple reasons. First, how can we restrict the definition of emergency such that a future Board cannot take advantage of the situation to install a person the Membership may not support? Second, the closing of this loophole would involve enlarging the Board's powers rather than restricting them, which is something that should never be undertaken lightly.
3) We cannot be an "admission required" event? Why not? None of us on the committee were aware of such a restriction, and we were under the impression that the avoidance of admission fees was to avoid sales tax if we move to (or if Oregon becomes) as sales tax state. Do you have any references to this that we can research? If this is the case, what are we doing with the dances? Are those different in some way such that we can charge admission for those? (Because dance attendees are not privileged to the "membership benefit" of attending other events....)
Based on the above-mentioned impression, we removed the class of "non-voting members" (=attendees) in order to simplify. Then there becomes no need to make a distinction or address the status or limited privileges of attendees, because they are not any sort of members.