Thanks, Blackjack!
Hi, alphonselric89!
I'm Rem, Fan Creation Manager. *waves* Drop by the Directors and Council Rooms on the 3rd floor of the Hilton Hotel side of the con, any time, and introduce yourself
Here's a general idea for you:
We have a wide variety of programming related to fan creations. Fan creations are basically things that people who are fans of anime, manga, webcomics, gaming, J-culture, or whatever else is drawing them to come to a con, either make or collect for themselves, that are not produced by industry, but by the fans. In our particular two rooms, that's largely fanfiction (creative writing based on others' published/released work); original fiction; spoken, cosplayed, or improvised fanfiction; fan art (art based on others' published/released work); original art; manga (with original storylines); doujinshi (manga based on others' published/released work); webcomics; and cute crafts such as making plushies (which in previous years we called Dollies, but are now differentiating from Dolfies, which are ball-jointed dolls, panels about which are held outside the Creation Station); teddy bears and other stuffed animals, and costumes for them; and chibi-dolls.
We have hands-on workshops to teach you how to make these craft items, and we provide the supplies. We have art contests and writing contests for prizes. We have improvisational theatre games for prizes. We have panels that help you learn how to make your own written, drawn, and computer-generated fan creations. And we have a ton of fun and camaraderie, especially at our flagship event, Fanfiction Bedtime Stories. Basically it's a sweet slumber party atmosphere where folks read or cosplay their own, or others', fan or original fictions to a supportive, appreciative audience.
There's also specific times that the rooms are basically available for quiet time, for writing and drawing or coloring on one's one, or networking with others with similar interests, or asking contest judges for pointers.
Hope to see you there, thanks for your interest, and enjoy your first con!