Anyone else? :<
Some ideas I gathered -
Sticky tag
"You start off by yourself paired with a person, and you have to cover one eye and chase after your partner--once that is done you pair up, arms linked, and chase after another pair, then when you catch that pair you become a group of four that chases a group of four--eventually it's a group of eight chasing another group of eight, all linked."
"You throw out a general category and the group has to mingle around to find others that have the same answer and they clump up. After about thirty seconds to one minute, you then have each group call out their answer. It’s okay if someone doesn’t have anyone else who has the same answer. Just try to avoid two groups with the same answer (means they didn’t mingle very well!)"
Improv game where a group of people pose as if in a picture, and one person explains the scene. It's called slideshow because you go through multiple "pictures" in a row, telling a whole story.