Hello all! This year's swap meet was
fantastic! Almost every inch of available space was used to spread out various items for trade and we quickly maxed out the room capacity
. We had to cycle out people so others waiting in the hall could try to come in. On that note I would like to start a poll to collecting the voices of those who think the swap meet should be moved to a larger room for next year.
There are issues to this idea though:- Generally tables are the best way to display and few rooms would have enough besides the creation rooms
- Rooms with a lot of chairs would prove to be a problem
- The next convention is to be held in Washington almost certainly with a strict NO CASH EXCHANGE AT ALL policy so fewer people may come
- As the next convention is in Washington we may have fewer returning people to the event
Still, I believe it is a good idea to at least try to collect a figure on the people who attended the event and those that continue to plan to attend.
Please vote on the issue of the room size and let it be know if you attended and/or plan to attend the next convention swap meet.
Thanks for stopping by!