I'm not sure this is the right place to post it, but I have an idea that I was thinking for doing that regards the glomp circles. I've noticed that a lot of people form them to play Spin the Bottle and glomp whoever the bottle lands on.
I don't know if glomp circles last all day or if different ones are formed at different times of each day, but for those who go to them, I wanted to suggest a game that I had a lot of fun playing in youth group.
The way it goes is everyone gets in a circle and one person has to say they like everyone except for people who have a certain anime-related distinction. Anyone who has it, must get into the middle of the circle. Then one of the spaces they had previously occupied is removed and the ones in the middle must find one of the remaining spaces to occupy. Whoever is unable to get into one of those spaces will be out and have to exit the circle. The game will continue until the circle gets too small and then a new game will start.
Here's an example. Say there were fifteen people playing. They would all stand to form a circle and one person would say, "I like everyone except people in Final Fantasy 7 cosplays." If there are three people dressed as characters from FF7, they will have to get into the middle of the circle. Then of the spaces they were occupying, everyone still in the circle will have to move slightly, so one of those spaces is no longer there and of the two remaining, the three people in the circle will have to try to get to them. The person who doesn't, make it will leave the circle until the next game. If only one person is dressed that way, he/she will still have to get in and try to get back before his/her space is lost.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.