Author Topic: Security Staff questions:  (Read 5865 times)

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Offline master-shake

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Security Staff questions:
« on: August 01, 2005, 11:52:51 am »
1) I was told at the last meeting that there was some kind of generic "in case of emergency" manual posted somewhere at this website -where is it? I can't find it anywhere..

2) The security staff will be wearing some kind of uniform -I can't remember what it was.. are we being supplied with a top/shirt like item? (i'm trying to figure out what to get to finish off the outfit)


-Master Shake-

Offline rasetsutaisho

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i've got a question too...
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 12:34:49 am »
hey, im venton brockman, 1 of 2 current chief body guards for sakura con, we... me and the other chief body guard grant henderson were wodering if we could help out with security and be staff if its not too late...

anyways... im really intrested in kumori con... so if you guys could get back to me that'd be awesome.... or i'll be waiting for a reply

Offline kylite

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Security Staff questions:
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2005, 02:47:54 pm »
Question from Hughes and Hawkeye:
we were advised we would be receiveing emails with info regarding the security and still nuthin.  just kinda cirous when those are going out.  Ill have the map of the hotel scanned in tonight hopefully (sorry about the delay but I got sidetracked) and hopefully I can get the info from people who went to july's meeting to fill in the blanks as to which rooms are what.  then Ill color code the thing.  make it a wee bit easier

Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
Work: Monday-Friday 12:30-9:39pm
We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

Offline kylite

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Security Staff questions:
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2005, 03:02:59 pm »
another question.  My work schedule puts me with sundays and mondays off.  Im takeing friday and saturday that week to I may attend on the 2nd as well as be there for day 1. But one little problem, I am unable to attend the Yojimbo meeting/training which is stated as mandatory.  My friend (Hawkeye) will be going and will give me the skinny on what I miss.  Will this be ok? let me know asap thanks.

-kylite (Hughes)
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
Work: Monday-Friday 12:30-9:39pm
We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

Offline rictheron

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Security Staff questions:
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2005, 09:48:28 am »
Hello everyone.  My name is Jess Shelton, head of the Yojimbo for KumoriCon.  I am sorry if anyone here has not been getting security information or meeting informations from the Staff List.  ANYONE who had signed up as a volunteer was to be added to that mailing list and be recieving the updates.  Apparently there were some problems and few people have been getting them (which explains why no one showed up at the first meetings).  The information on these meetings are as follows:

" The weekend is approaching and we've got another couple of Yojimbo meetings coming up.  The first is going to be Saturday the 27th, at Noon, Alton-Baker park in Eugene, next to the large power tower visible from the main parking lot.    The second is going to be Sunday the 28th, at Noon, River Front park in Portland, next to the Battleship Oregon memorial.  With only a week left there aren't many more meetings available and these should only last an hour at the most.  The final ones will be the first night of setup, and the morning the Convention opens, two hours before registration opens.  Both of these will be in our main hall.  Thank you everyone."

It is only required to attend one of these meetings during which we shall be going over basic policy, showing examples of appropriate and inappropriate attire/activities/props, and doing some basic play acting for dealing with people.  The final meeting the morning of the Convention will be a quick refresher on how to use the radios.  

  As to the manual which I wrote up, I turned it over to the Operations manager and to the person nominally in charge of maintaining the website.  It appears that in all the hustle and bustle of preparing for the convention it has not been posted yet.  I shall look into this.  Until then there is an article on the front page of the website called "Con Policy".  This contains the basics of what all Yojimbo (security) will be watching for so I recommend reading it through.  Hopefully we will have the Emergencies Manual up soon and if not there shall be copies of BOTH Yojimbo Policy and Emergencies Manual shown at the meetings (I will try to provide as many copies as possible but at the moment my printing capabilities are limited).  If all else fails I shall have them printed out by the time of the convention and available at the Operation Office for people to take with them on duty, as well as copies as Registration and at the Information Booth.

  I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience, everyone is working over time currently to get the Con up and running with far fewer people then is really necessary.    Hope to see you all soon.
Jess Shelton
2008 Operations Director
2007 Assist. Operations Manager/Yojimbo Manager
2006 Assist. Yojimbo Manager
2005 Yojimbo Manager
2003-2004 Security
Credentials: senior Physics Major at PSU,Edu minor, Store Manager, Instructor, Security

Offline master-shake

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Security Staff questions:
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2005, 08:42:08 am »

I can print my own right now, while I'm at work, if you email me the docs (file size not an issue)

Also, I need a list of radio codes..