The lunchboxes made me think of Kate on Lost.
It doesn't make sense that Quinn would become a bully. A burnout, maybe. Bully, no.
The "I once ate cat poop" line was ridiculous and sounded like they were just trying to make another Brittany. There can be only one.
The Sue vs. the arts plot is actually somewhat savvy, there are already fundraising campaigns out there (I have gotten emails from them) talking about how there really are politicians organizing against arts funding for schools....
I want eps with the backstories on the band & the piano player.
I don't miss Trouty Mouth, but Santana was hot in that song.
Suga is offensive.
However, I had a horrible experience living with someone who really did use his self-diagnosed Asperger's as a weapon (and deliberately threatened my cat). So there are people like that, sadly.
I'm not happy about Shelby being back, but I'm glad there's mention of Beth.
Beiste was realistic about how sometimes people who have enthusiasm but not talent can be incorporated in sideline roles. With our Marching Band we had flag twirlers and such....
I liked the unicorn stuff except the cotton candy part. Loved the locker (last year, too).
Hahaha does someone really play the Forum? I say Funny Thing when I was in elementary. Can't remember.
Yes Mike Chang is amazing.
Yeah I thought Blaine was older than Kurt last year.
Yay for responsible Puck.
Yes, I thought Kurt would be a better Maria. He could've campaigned for that. Burt would've backed him. A Kurt-Mercedes Diva Off would much more interest me than one involving Rachel.
Yes, I <3 Burt.
SPOILER PHOTO.................. own those exact stockings. So I might cosplay this if I can find the skirt & a wig. Walking around spewing Brittanyisms would amuse me.