Thats right! The word Wright is in it so that must mean its the fabulous Ace Attorney series being involved!! However, we have not one.. but two panels for this! An 18+ and a regular one!
Wright's Everything Agency For Hire: What could we possibly do with this sort of thing? Easy! Do what the game is made to do! Put others and trial and test the fates! Has someone tried to kill you by tossing vending machines? Someone try to make you eat onigiri with needles in it? Well, we'll put them to justice with Apollo vs Edgeworth with Judge Kristoph Gavin residing! Guilty verdicts will recieve quite an interesting punishment and objections will be abound!
Wright's Everything Agency PJ Party [18+]: Whats the best thing to do to unwind from a busy day of objecting and protecting justice? Lazing around and mellowing with
wine grape juice doing whatever the hell ya want! Well to a certain point of course~ Fun times will ensue with games and contests complete with prizes! It'd be the best party thrown by lawyers! And thats saying something!
So more information will be posted as its released~ And I'll also keep a list of who wants to attend or not~ And you dont have to be Ace Attorney to join, if you want a determined case in here with you and a pal, go ahead and sign up! More settled cases, the better!
KyoKyo866 - Kristoph Gavin
ChibiOrochimaru - Apollo Justice