Author Topic: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...  (Read 1821 times)

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Offline shadoworganoid

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friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:10:28 am »
Not sure if it is OK to post this here, instead of a different location. (Sorry if its not)

I'm having a hard time with cosplay and my friends right now.

I'm a male, yes, but I find the crossplay stuff to be fun, or interesting.

Last Kumoricon I crossplayed as Dark Signer Carly from Yugioh 5D's.

At the time I didn't have make up so my face looked kind of bad. But I felt that the rest of it was fine.
I shaved where I needed to, and my body is not fat. So overall, from the neck down, it should have been good.

Going forward, I want to do the same cosplay again for Sakuracon, but my friends are giving me lots of crap about it.
They are very big on the whole; "Don't half-ass it" thing. Thats fair, and I agree.

The problem is that while I plan to use a little make up this time around, they still act like it will be super bad or something.

I know that close friends will always give crap out of teasing and stuff, but it has crossed into that realm of seriousness where I feel they mean what they say, and not just teasing anymore.
Let me edit that, he has said he will ignore me for the weekend if I do it again.

Several of my friends are very against it. Several other people i've talked to are in support of it.

I'm at a loss.

Its like, WOULD make up /really/ help, or is it just sugar coating a bad idea still?
And if it would help, how much would I need to worry about? I mean........... really....
I don't understand how there can be such a divide with this.

I'm just not sure what to do from here.

Any thoughts?
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Offline Lulu_Autumn

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2013, 01:29:41 am »
Honestly if they are your friends they should even be saying this stuff to you.
Yes friends tease each other but if they are putting you down then they aren't your friends, they are just being jerks.
If they have a problem with half assed cosplay than they should make sure THEIR cosplay isn't half assed and no worry about everyone else's.
Sorry for seeming hash but that really ticks me off.
As for crossplaying. Honestly make-up or no make-up. I have a friend that crossplays and he doesn't wear make up and he still looks good.
Either way I am sure your cosplay will be great. Lots of people crossplay and you should feel weird or anything like that about it.
And besides cosplaying and crossplaying is all about having fun. That's the most important part about it in my opinion.
Basically do what you love, crossplay a character you love.
I fulling support people that decide to crossplay, I being a female crossplay myself.  (which is more common when it come to crossplaying I'll admit)
In fact I don't think I have ever cosplayed a girl.
I hoped this helped somehow.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 03:41:56 am by Lulu_Autumn »

Offline nekovamp13

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2013, 08:32:58 am »
^I agree with this~

True friends should always be supportive and even offer to help if they can. It's a fine line between joking and being a jerk. It seems some of yours have crossed it.
I'm not going to say to stop being friends with them, but I would consider ignoring what they say. It is possible they are just jealous of your cosplay, or the fact that you cosplay, etc. I would test their friendship. If they say they're going to ignore you for the weekend, ignore them back. If they truly want to continue to be your friend, they will hopefully see and understand what they've done wrong and will want to make it right. If not, maybe it's time to let them go.

As for makeup, I believe makeup can help make a cosplay and make it better. When you wear makeup, it should never worsen your look.
When crossplaying (especially with males), I've noticed there are two kinds: Those who want to look like their gender cosplaying as the other gender, and those who want to look like the opposite gender. I'm assuming you're the second case, which means you'll be wanting to do makeup that is more feminine, and hides your more male features.

It's been a while since I've seen a picture of you, and sadly, I don't think I saw you as Carly at Kumoricon. But I would suggest looking up tutorials online (if you haven't already) on crossgender makeup and using those to help with what you do.
I am also a makeup artist and have done a lot with working on crossgender style makeup, and if you'd like to send me a picture of your makeup, I would love to give you some pointers and suggestions. I'm even going to Sakuracon if you'd like to meet up, and I can do some of your makeup, and hell, even just hanging out a bit~

I remember back when you started talking about being Carly and how excited you were to be her. I'm really sad I wasn't able to run into you at Kumoricon and would love to be able to see your cosplay at Sak.
And on that note, you shouldn't let ANY person's feelings bring you down! I know it can be hard to be judged by those who are close to you and you feel like their thoughts matter, and while this is true, there are just sometimes that you need to step back, tell them to F-off, and just keep doing what you love.
This has been happening with my family and the fact that they aren't always supportive of my choices, and sometimes I would get extremely depressed because of it. But I realized that I enjoy what I'm doing and yeah, some of the choices I make are strange and not the smartest (ie, shaving off my eyebrows for Gaara >>), but I love what I do and I shouldn't let anything, or anyone bring that feeling down!
~Sakuracon/Kumoricon 2014~
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Dot (Animaniacs)
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Offline shadoworganoid

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2013, 11:11:46 am »
Lulu: Thanks for your input. At least this rant post isn't being ignored completely. lol

Nekovamp: Hehe, yeah, I spent the whole Kumoricon weekend in the gaming room area.... (well, most of it that is)

It's easier to ignore other random people than it is to ignore your close friends.
The fact that they are being SO serious about it makes me wonder if there is at least SOME truth in their words.
Cause, unless its jealousy, I can tell he is not trying to put me down or troll me. I just don't understand all of where he is coming from either.

But yeah, I WOULD consider just ignoring them, but they are also my ride up and back. We are splitting a hotel too. So I don't want to be on bad terms with them.... lol

Oh thats right, you DID see a pic of me once last year or something... lol I don't think I've changed too much in that regard.

Cosplay or not, I would LOVE to meet up with you in person at Sakuracon! It's always nice to see people you know, or talk to etc.
(I could always use more friends) :)

However, if it isn't a problem, or imposition, I would love to bring my cosplay costume with me and maybe just see what can be done with your help?
I have no clue what I would use for basic make up stuff. Rather, I don't have the guts to buy it in the store by myself. lol

[size=78%]If meeting up is going to be a for sure thing, could I maybe have you grab some extra stuff and I just pay you or something??? 

At any rate, thank you both for your input. And Nekovamp, I'd love to hang out with you a bit at Sakuracon. [/size]
[size=78%]- might need your cell number at some point in order to find you though.... lol[/size]
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Offline reppy

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2013, 11:11:17 am »
That's too bad. I have never had that happen. Maybe they are jealous because you look so good?  ;D

In my personal experience, I've found that I look better in crossplay when I have too little makeup vs too much. Obviously there's a perfect balance, too, but if I had to pick one for myself it would be too little.

Also, I'm not really sure what a "half-a**" crossplay is. ^^;  When I've done mine, I put a good amount of work into finding accessories and stuff like that go along with it. BUT, I never made anything on my own. I'm sure if I tried to make my own dress and accessories, it would have been full-a** and not just half.  ;D

Have you tried having a discussion with your friends to find out what would make a good crossplay? Maybe they have impossible standards and you are better off just accepting that as a fact of their nature and not stressing out too much about it. :)

(Also, the pic of me on the left is totally not a good representation of what I would look like when crossplaying seriously. I'm pretty sure I have no make up on .. and then there's the whole beard thing. But people told me to keep the beard so I did it for fun.)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 11:12:39 am by reppy »

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Offline GregAtlas

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2013, 01:01:25 am »
If it is just a makeup issue with them, know that many male cosplayers wear makeup to cover up imperfections. Just practice and don't overdo it and your friends probably wouldn't even notice. Overdo it and you might look like a raccoon or worse.

Edit: To cover up imperfections and to look good for photos.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 12:06:09 pm by GregAtlas »
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Offline Titus_Love_Doll

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2013, 09:55:48 am »
^ agree with all of them

And if you ever need help with make up you can always feel free to ask those who go to con, we are all willing to help you guy not matter what! :3

Offline shadoworganoid

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2013, 10:24:34 pm »
Thanks guys.

Yeah, I guess I'll simply seek some help in person from people on Friday evening I guess. lol
Kumoricon 2014 Cosplay plans:

Kantai Collection Kongou Crossplay (Maybe)

Offline luvan1me

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2013, 08:53:38 pm »
>_> you sir, are my hero right now XD ALL the guys at con who crossplay, even if they don't shave haha are my idols <3 you are BOLD, HAIRY (or SMOOTH) and AMAZING! *w* SUGOINEE~

And to be honest, I find it awesome that you SHAVE! I mean I wish my husband did >3> but HEY! At least he wore kairi's school outfit and cat eats XD haha <3  with hairy legs too haha XD

And if you want to go the other direction in crossplay (the more "serious" beauty side) I would say, IF YOU WANT TO DO IT, then DO IT! don't let your "friends" make you feel down and do what THEY want! THEY AREN'T YOUR FRIENDS! D:< Cosplay is for fun, and to derp around too yah know ;P Try to keep that in mind, nee~! <3 and if you like help with makeup (or make new & more AWESOME friends ;) ), I can help you along with my friends like xander and them up there ^_^ you should come to my day 0 meetup if you don't have anything else to do! You will have fun and meet more awesome cosplayers there! ^_^

Offline LtCommanderRichie

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Re: friends won't accept my cosplay stuff...
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2013, 12:27:32 pm »
They're probably worried that you'll get **** from other people for lackluster makeup, so they're trying to head you off at the pass, as it was.

Easy solution: have one of your female friends do your makeup. Don't forget the false eyelashes.