Super sentai is a Kid's LIVE ACTION television serries that started in 1975 By Toei. It is a genre of Tokusatsu which is special FX live action PROJECTS. Kamen Rider start in 1971, Kamen Rider Wizard(2012) is the 23rd TV series. Now unlike Super Sentai, new Kamen Rider projects came in the form of movies and other things besides a TV Series. This is only other Fairly Active genre of Tokusatsu. There are like 3 more Genre's that et overlooked. Space Sheriff Gavan started in 1982 and was the first Metal Hero Series, It had a recent production. Gavan is a sub genre of Metal Hero specifically the Space Sheriff, a few of these were adapted into some american shows like Big battle Bettle Borgs & VR Troopers. Ultraman is another Genre of Tokusatsu...
This Panel besides showing Kamen rider and Super Sentai will be focused on Gavan. Mostly due to finding subs of these other toku shows is rare.
basic run down for this panel, 5 minutes to explain toku and mentions said genre and sub genre. Start an epsiode of classic Super Sentai, followed by something more recent. Then the same for Kamen rider, after that an episode of the '82 Gavan serries. depending on time I'll try to toss in another classic metal hero Before starting either the 2010 Gavan movie or Super Hero Time Taisen Z(if a sub exists by Convention). I will have a list of atleast what groups are subbing which super Sentai, Should also include Kamen rider and can transfer files durring the panel. If people have questions while at Con I'll be spending most of my time in the Table Top running games. 429gb of super sentai, 360gb of Kamen rider and over 1.25 TB for my Live action currently.