Author Topic: Elections Summary  (Read 4024 times)

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Elections Summary
« on: December 21, 2013, 09:53:37 pm »
Altonimbus Entertainment is the name of the organization that owns and runs the Kumoricon convention. Altonimbus, and thereby Kumoricon, is governed by a board of directors consisting of nine members who each serve annual terms. Terms begin and end at the annual meeting of the body that elects each board member.

Six of the nine board members are elected by the membership (staff of Kumoricon) for annual terms. There are currently vacancies in two positions, which will be filled at elections at the January 12, 2014 meeting of the membership:
  • Chair (a.k.a. President)
  • Director of Relations
Nominations are currently open for candidates for these positions. You may nominate, second, and respond to nominations in Nominations for Member-Elected Board Positions.

You may post questions to candidates in the respective thread for each position.

Members must be present in person to vote, except for proxy voting. If you are a Member of Altonimbus Entertainment but cannot attend the meeting, you may designate another Member as your proxy. This means that the Member you designate as your proxy is authorized to cast your vote in your stead for any election or matter that comes before the membership for a particular meeting. A Member may only act as a proxy for no more than two other Members for a particular vote. You may authorize a proxy in either of two ways: (1) The Member not attending the meeting may authorize another Member using the online proxy authorization system, or (2) The proxy attending the meeting may bring a printed form to the meeting signed by the absent Member. Only one or the other is required, not both. The full proxy policy is printed on the authorization form.

The January 12, 2014 meeting is open to public attendance. Voting is open to Altonimbus Entertainment Members (Kumoricon staff for 2013 or 2014). The term of membership of Kumoricon 2013 staff remains active due to the overlap in annual staff terms.

There is a more detailed elections process document available to staff members (staff login required) detailing the elections meeting policy and procedure. This document has been recently revised by the board, with two important changes from previous elections:
(1) The comment period where candidates leave the room has been replaced with a combined question and comment period, with candidates remaining in the room.
(2) There is an opportunity to submit anonymous comments both prior to elections, and at elections. Anonymous comments will be moderated. Comments must be signed by name when delivered to the moderators but will be read without attribution to the audience. Candidates will be present when anonymous comments are read and may respond. We will post instructions for submitting an anonymous comment in the Elections area of the forums in the next few days.
Additionally, the policy changes include a few minor technicalities in ballot counting.

Updated with revisions to elections policy - @random
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 05:38:59 am by @random »
2023: Website Development Coordinator
2020-2022: Assistant Secretary, Website Development Coordinator
2011 - 2013, 2016-2019: Secretary
2007 - 2019: Website Manager
2015: Assistant Secretary
2014: Chair
2007 - 2009: Director of Publicity
2006: Copy Editor

Offline JeffT

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Re: Elections Summary
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2013, 01:51:47 pm »
In the nominations thread there was a question about the responsibilities of the elected positions. Here is a summary for the member-elected positions (of course, only Chair and Director of Relations are up for election right now):

  • Preside at meetings of the board and of the membership
  • Publicly represent the organization
  • Oversee the organization in general
  • Assist the other board members
Director of Membership
  • Convention membership (attendee registration)
  • Distribute convention badges
  • At-con member (staff) services
Director of Operations
  • Yojimbo
  • Maid Squad
  • Operations Offices
  • Volunteers
  • Con Suite
  • At-con communications
  • At-con registration software development
Director of Programming
  • Convention programming content and scheduling
  • Panels and Main Events tech
  • Manga Library
  • Video Theaters
  • Art Show
  • Chibi Room
  • Cosplay
  • AMV
  • Cosplay Chess
  • Video/Tabletop Gaming
Director of Publicity
  • Outreach
  • Merchandise
  • Social media
  • Press
  • Info Booth
  • At-con photography/videography
  • Print publications
  • Website administration/software development
  • Forums
Director of Relations
  • Industry
  • Guests of Honor
  • Guest/industry dinners
  • Green Room
  • Exhibitors Hall
  • Artists Alley
  • Charity Auction
2023: Website Development Coordinator
2020-2022: Assistant Secretary, Website Development Coordinator
2011 - 2013, 2016-2019: Secretary
2007 - 2019: Website Manager
2015: Assistant Secretary
2014: Chair
2007 - 2009: Director of Publicity
2006: Copy Editor