Hey everybody, can I ask for some opinions?
What do you guys think would look better:
-Mid battle Gohan (As in, like in the middle of the Cell battle, since that's the only time you see in SSJ1 in the Piccolo outfit)
-Pre-fight, wearing the Piccolo cloak
There are good and bad on both, like that I almost never see any good cloak Gohan cosplays (and none up here at the cons I attend), but also that the make up used to make me look like I've been fighting has the possibility of running becasue I sweat a lot (not just in super heat, but even in winter I get overheated). Idk..I know I can do both, but if I do the cloaked version I'll have to not distress the cosplay so I wanna know what you guys think before I distress it.