Ehh, I know not very many people are into Jrock but.. We are cosplaying as Toshiya (Ichigo) and Kaoru (me) from Dir En Grey. The Era is 'Raison Detre' and it'd be grest if fans of Diru could cosplay the same era as us! You don't even have to be a fan to cosplay it. XD It'd be great if you'd come cosplay with us. (We're friendly, and we'll even teach you about Jrock-ness if you want!)
Yes, You can even just tag along with us in our quest to find people willing to cosplay this group with us. You don't have to be in the same Era, so even if you're cosplaying Dir En Grey (Or just jrock in general), leave a post~ ^_^ I'll provide pictures for those who'll cosplay too. (I'd make you the outfits if I had the time/money and sewing ability.)
Cosplayers so far:
Kyo - *Empty

Die - *Empty*
Kaoru - Me! XD
Toshiya - Ichigo
Shinya - *empty*