I meet lots of interesting people in the video/board game room, too.
For instance, I met some folks at the Rock Band game and we had a blast!
Every so often, I might share my phone number or ask if anyone wants to go to a panel or game and just hang out. It works really well, especially with an ice breaker activity.
Also, I've met some very nice people while waiting in lines, as well.
The atmosphere is so open and friendly during the con; if you see someone nearby, try to say hello and start up a conversation.
As a person who has anxiety, I know how hard it is to just dive in and try starting games and conversations, but I've improved a lot over the years because of the practice.
I feel as though there's been a lot of panels and meet-ups having to do with dating and friends, but then there's a whole lot of people standing in a room too shy to initiate with anyone...That's why I do think it is a little bit easier to meet people by attending other things; that way you CAN meet someone who likes the same things as you.
It's hard, it can be awkward, but it can get easier with practice and patience.
Be kind to yourself, and just try your best! ^^