Author Topic: 2006 staff positions  (Read 10420 times)

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Offline guspasho

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2006 staff positions
« on: October 03, 2005, 12:26:53 pm »
If you want to find a niche (or three!) to help Kumoricon, have a look at the following list of positions, and come to the general meeting on October 9th. These are appointed positions that may or may not be created by the Directors/department heads but have either existed in the past or we expect to exist to serve new needs. Talk to whoever is elected for that department's Director at the general meeting, or anytime after, to see what you can do.

Operations Managers
  • A/V: The AV manager is responsible for all Audio Visual Equipment at the convention.  He/She is responsible for developing a system to track equipment, as well as finding and training a staff to set up, and take down all AV equipment.  Equipment should be tracked on paper at a minimum, and on a computer preferably.  This position will need to deal with the Programming Managers heavily to arrange for equipment changes.

  • Logistics: The Logistics manager is responsible for aquiring all necessary A/V equipment, maintaining the Con Suite, etc.  He/She is a Con gopher.

  • Infodesk: The Infodesk Manager is responsible for the Infodesk: a place where attendees, staff, panelists, etc can come and find answers to any questions they might have.  They are the public face of the hidden parts of the con.  Scheduling changes, room assignments, etc are all handled through the Infodesk.

  • Personnel: The Personnel Manager is responsible for keeping all staff and volunteers information current, and keeping them in the loop with the convention.  They are responsible for dealing with staffing scheduling and questions.  He/She will dealing heavily with the Volunteer Manager, and all convention staff.

  • Registration: The Registration Manager is responsible for the Registration process, Registration Desk, etc.  While the registration system may change from year to year, the person in charge of registration must be organized and able to deal with many different issues that can come up when people want refunds, have crazy registration questions, etc.

  • Security: The Security Manager is responsible for the Con in house “Security”.  He/She will be required to recruit, train, and lead all security staff.  They are responsible for the con’s “front line”.  If things get beyond the capability of Con Security, the Manager must be able to quickly decide who to call to regain order.  Security is a staff only department.

  • Volunteer: The Volunteer Manager is responsible for coordinating, and communicating with Volunteers before and at the convention.  He/She is responsible for scheduling volunteers to work within other departments during the convention.  He/She’s job is to answer questions people will have about volunteering, as well as deciding what that person would be best doing.
Programming Managers
  • Cosplay: Responsible for arranging, finding judges, and running the Cosplay rehearsal and event.

  • Dance: Responsible for planning, coordinating, hiring a DJ, and running the dance.

  • Fanfic: Responsible for planning, coordinating, and running the fanfic and fan creation elements within the convention.

  • Gaming: Responsible for the gaming aspect of the convention.  This includes: Tabletop, Console, Arcade, and LAN gaming.

  • Karaoke: Responsible for planning, finding judges, and running the Karaoke Competition.

  • Panels/Workshop: Responsible for planning, arranging, and scheduling Panels and workshops during the convention.

  • RPGs: Responsible for all Role Playing Activities during the Convention.  This includes LARP.

  • Videos: Responsible for acquiring media, scheduling, staffing, and running video rooms, as well as CCTV.
Relations Managers
  • Exhibitors: Responsible for speaking with Exhibitors, convincing them to come to the convention, and running the exhibitors (“dealers”) hall during the convention.

  • Artists: Responsible for dealing the Artists in Artist Alley, and in the Art Show.  If necessary, contacting Artists to put their work in the art show.  Also responsible for running the Art Auction.

  • Public: Responsible for Public Relations.  This position is difficult to place outside of publicity, but usually deals with answering questions from the public.  Publicity is usually about getting the word out about the convention.  If someone has a question about the convention (expected attendance, policies, etc), those are usually directed through PR.

  • Industry: Responsible for speaking with and acquiring goods from industry.  This means getting swag, bags, prizes, games, etc.

  • Guests: Responsible for speaking with potential guests, and getting their confirmation that they will attend.  Responsible for booking rooms, flights, and overall entertaining and managing the guests while at the convention.

  • Charity: Responsible for organizing, and running the charity auction.  Also responsible for devising a method to determine where charity proceeds will go.
Publicity Managers
  • Graphics: Responsible for the “look” of Kumoricon.  Designing/Delegating the Logo, Mascot, and any other artwork that may be needed.

  • Merchandise: Responsible for getting all merchandise that will be sold on the conventions behalf.  Shirts, Buttons, Coasters, Shot Glasses, etc.

  • Publications: Responsible for design, information, and layout of all con materials (program book, schedule, etc).

  • Press: Responsible for speaking with the press and getting as much coverage as possible.  Must do everything within reason to get coverage from anywhere possible.

  • Website: Responsible for the look and feel of the website.  Not responsible for Content, but may be required to post content provided by other parties.
Not all of these may be filled, others may be created, and some can be expected to require assistants and such - which is a great way for someone who wants responsibility but not responsibility to get involved - it is up to the discretion of the Directors to decide what positions there will be and who gets appointed to what, but generally expect a cooperative atmosphere where everyone works with each other to get the job done.

It is also highly recommended that you get to know your predecessors as they will have a lot of information relevant for your job, not just how to do the job but, as an example, lists of stuff like contact lists of vendors for the Exhibitors Manager, and a lot more detailed information about what the job requires.

Thanks again to Ryan Stasel for writing this up.

Questions? Comments?

(I'd like to do Personnel Manager and Website Manager, as I've already done some work for both of those.)
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline guspasho

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2006 staff positions
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 07:25:21 am »
So c'mon - who wants to do what?
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline valliegirl

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« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2005, 10:07:03 pm »
I'm interested in the following areas:


But, you know, not all of them at the same time.  :)
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Offline Sinaj

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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2005, 10:50:44 am »
We had been planning to come to the October meeting today, but haven't been able to find child care for our son. =/

We are interested in:

Graphics, Merchandise, Publications, and Press (Myself)
Website - (my hubby)

Here's what I was hoping to say there...

I just wanted to make a suggestion in the "Publicity Managers" volunteer positions that are listed. First, I think the "Graphics" should be edited to say "Artist" or "Designer" because as I'm reading the description, this is the person who designs the logo for the con (or simply finds someone else to do it - the Publications person do that finding).

Second, it is a lot easier (and will prevent a lot less headaches) to have the same person due the Publications & Merchandise. If the Artist who does the logo does not know how to make it camera-ready, the person that does the Publications has to fix the logo. Now if the person doing the Publications doesn't know how to produce camera-ready art for a branding  company, then the same problem arises for the person doing Merchandise. They will have to fix the Publications persons work. It's smoother for one person to do all three aspects, (Art, Publication & Merchandise), but lots of Designers that do print production are not necessarily a good artist and vice-versa.

I myself, am not a good artist, but I have years of experience in print production, handling branding merchandise, and communications.

My husband has been doing websites for a while. Our own personal site it and our other site to give you an idea of what we can do. He would like to make a professional looking web site for the con.

Sorry this was so long. We wish we would have been able to make it today. =(

Offline ScrumYummy

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2006 staff positions
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2005, 04:12:26 pm »
Just got back from the meeting, and I wanted to say I think the staff picks this year are awesome and I think you guys are going to do a great job =D  I am also here as a general volunteer, so anybody that needs a little slavework done here or there, feel free to contact me =)

Edit:  So that people know who I am, I was the girl wearing the manga-pants =D

Offline guspasho

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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2005, 08:11:46 pm »
@ sinaj

The names aren't set in stone, nor are the positions themselves. Everything is up to the directors and the chair to hammer out, depending on who and what is available. These positions are just to describe the duties that will need to be taken on. Hopefully we can get people to take care of them all.

@ ScrumYummy

Those pants were awesome!
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline HeavenscloneX

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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2005, 11:05:13 pm »
Man, I'd love to be one of the people in charge of running the Video Game room.  That would rox...what sucks is that I can't attend any of the meeting :(

I signed up in the other thread, so hopefully all goes well.
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Offline Dustin

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« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 06:51:24 pm »
Thought it is quite hard for to help in any aspect of the con (mostly because I can't make it to the meetings, being that Portland is around 180 miles away), there is one thing I could probably help with, and that's the website.

I am pretty good with graphics and have a great knowledge of Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. I know basic HTML and PHP aswell.

So, yeah, thats about all I could do, really.

Heres my livejournal, that should be sufficient as to what I can do, right?

If anyone needs more, let me know. :D

Oh, this doesn't mean I won't contact Zac, just displaying it publicly incase anyone is wondering.

Offline staze

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« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2005, 11:31:36 pm »
Please, if you're interested in helping out, do post in the Getting Involved Section.  

For those interested in helping with the website, you will want to contact the director of publicity, Zac.  We will need to see some examples of your previous work, as we would be hesitant to just hand over the reigns to someone that has no "portfolio" of work.  

Thanks much for the interest in helping the con!
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
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Offline RemSaverem

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« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2005, 02:44:30 pm »
i'm aspiring to continue coordinating and enhancing our fanfic and fanart programming..........and scrumyummy is going to be my right hand, at least for sakuracon, and if all goes well (which based on this kumoricon i'm sure it will), ideally for kumoricon, too.
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

Offline Black_night84

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2006 staff positions
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2005, 05:51:01 pm »
Sinaj you rock e-mail me
Zac Goodwin
Director of Publicity
AIM: Black Night84

Offline Yuki-cyan77

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« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2006, 11:07:59 pm »
I signed up on the other thread..."Get Involved" but just wanted to make sure.

Are there any positions for Translator/Interpreters??  I'm not certified, but I'm currently in a training program.

Also, can I still helpout even though I can't make it to any of the meetings?  I live in Seattle, WA.

I'ld like to help publicity by posting flyers, posters, info about just an FYI if u wanted to have someone post things in Seattle.

KC'06: Staff - on call Sign Language Interpreter
SC'06: Wendy (GUNxSWORD), Aerith (FF7), Inuyasha
Staff - Translator

Offline MistressLegato

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« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2006, 05:32:42 pm »
Still interested in the Graphics stuff if Sinaj doesn't have the whole thing covered  

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