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Offline Eternal Yamcha

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Snow hits the region
« on: March 09, 2006, 12:59:01 am »
I doubt many people here know that I am an amateur Meteorologist (AKA, Weather Man.) I've been watching the cool air that's rushing in on us for awhile now (about a week.) Needless to say, I get excited when rare events like these happen... Most of today I've been on many different weather related websites (including my personal favorite The National Weather Service website) tracking this and watching weather reports on TV.

I'm glad that their suspiciouns were wrong. Right now where I live in Milwaukie, the snow was coming down hard (for Portland, OR's standards) and sticking to the grass, barkdust and concrete/cement surfaces including roads. I'm assuming the last time I look tonight it'll be quite covered in the cold stuff.

Whether or not this will last is a different story. I HIGHLY doubt that the snow in many parts of Portland will stick around long after sunset. It might be enough to delay school... But seriously... Don't hold your breath. The fun part about this is that we'll have moisture (aka, rain/water/snow) coming at us for the rest of the night into Saturday. The day time high temperatures will be enough to melt the snow, though don't be surprised that during a heavy shower/thunderstorm that we have snow just pummel us.

We'll probably have repeat perfomances of snow showers Thursday night/Friday morning and Friday night/Saturday morning. Enjoy it if you can people, this is one heck of a rare event.

Oh and to those people worried about their morning commute... I wouldn't be too worried if I were you. If you commute in the lower elevations there shouldn't be much of an issue... But if your commute takes you up and over some of the hills, don't be surprised if there are delays.

Let's hear about some snow stories if there are any from this rare event.[/url]
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Offline Sinaj

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 09:11:49 am »
We just started getting snow over here in the Fairview area as well. It's a nice surprise!

Offline leashy

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 10:52:51 am »
there was some wet slush thing this morning that people seem to be calling snow... Hmm.. If you want to see real snow though, visit the east coast for a few days.  I like snow when we first get it and everything is beatiful and white but it can be annoying, so I am pretty glad we don't get alot of it here

Offline Irnogs

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2006, 12:45:10 pm »
Hehe, it's so funny - I move to Minnesota and they have the mildest January on record (February was a little colder, but this month has been really warm - 40ish), and the valley gets snow! How backwards is that?

Offline Neko_Chan

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 02:10:20 pm »
@_@ Today we had school, and it's snowing RIGHT AS I SPEAK. I hatttteee thiiisss. It's not sticking, but it's slushy and it's icky and I've had to walk through al of it to get to my classes.

Are you a TV Weather Man? :DDDD May I have your autograph?

Offline Eternal Yamcha

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 03:25:12 pm »
Leashy - Snow down here in the Willamette Valley (especially in Portland) is rare. Happens once or twice a winter and we usually don't see much. That's what (atleast in the North Clackamas School District) they tend to close schools down when about .5" to 1" of snow sticks on the roads. A nice dusting is enough to get many thrilles (or a headache.) Heck, snowfall is enough to make many people go "crazy."

Neko_Chan - It's a tad warm for the snow to be much else aside from a nuisance. Wait until later tonight (especially the over night hours) and I do personally believe we'll see sticking snow.

The NWS (National Weather Service) is being quite fickle with this and it's irritating me. They're hesitant on bringing snow down to the low elevations, the valley floor. They're being even more hesitant on sticking snow below 1000' (Top of the West Hills/Top of Mt. Scott elevation.) Despite the fact that we had sticking snow last night in very low locations (Milwaukie is a low location, especially where I am) and from what I have heard, "cooler" air is moving in tonight. Though I don't know if that is true or not (insomnia messes with your memory.) If we cool down enough when the next system moves through here, then I have a feeling we might actually have .5"+ of snow sticking down to as low as the valley floor (which varies in height) with higher locations seeing 1"+ (starting, probably, 500'.) You can hold this against me, if I am wrong I am wrong, that's why I am still learning.

And no, I am not a TV Weatherman. I want to be one though, so some day in the next decade y'all might see me on TV. I do know many of the TV meteorologists of today and the past. David Apple (the man who got me INTO meteorology ;_; he died last year... He was on KPTV for a long time up until the late 90s I do believe. He sent me a personal photgraph, a typed letter and a book for my 10th birthday. The photo and letter are framed and the book was stolen from me by one of my ex-best friends... REALLY mad about that still,) Dave Sweeny (KGW,) Rod Hill (KATU,) Mark Nelsen (KPTV,) Drew Jackson (KPTV,) Rob Marciano (He was on KATU when I met him and spent the day with him in the studio. It was AWESOME, meeting Steve Dunn, Ron Carlson and Natalie can't remember her last name off the top of my head. I was on the AM Northwest studio and watched the 5 and 6:30pm news casts. Steve Dunn used me as a scapegoat to throw insults at Rob, it was funny. Rob Marciano is now on CNN,) Jim Little (KOIN) and I do believe that's it. I'm not really well known by name, but if I used my s/n, I have a feeling they'd recognize me by that.

...Phew... I went on and on there.
"Raisin Bran Crunch: BUY ME SOME; MOM!!!"

Offline Vondan

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 03:39:29 pm »
They don’t have real snow on this side of Oregon, why when I was your age going to HS in Hicksville we had 3 feet of snow in a week and we had to like it.  Nothing closed, they put a snowplow on the front of the school janitor’s truck and that was it.  A few times I walked to school in snowshoes or drove a snow cat.  

And for some reason I have having visions of an Anime weather report.  As the weather girl gives the report the giant map is interactive.  Just imagine the tone of the scenes ware magical events get mixed up in mundane duties and no one knows what is going on
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Offline Negima

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 06:26:55 pm »
Snow stories?  Several but only giving out a few.

It was a snowy day on campus and we were (literally) the only school that was open in the area.  There was a land stretch of sidewalk that's slightly slanted and it was covered in ice at the time.  I was walking on it and then I noticed the ice.  I stopped walking, put my feet together, and I started to slide about 30 feet before the sidewalk began to level out a little.

Then the next day, same area, I slipped and almost fell.  Thank goodness I used my umbrella to keep me up.

Offline Yuki-cyan77

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 10:01:20 pm »
It's coooold and rainy in Seattle... -_- *bolts to the Kotatsu (low JPN heating table)
Snowing in the pass...but not around my block. I'm a bit curious if we'll get good weather during the Con...hopefully a bit warmer w/no rain would be wonderful!! :3
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Offline Hashi

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2006, 09:46:29 am »
I have a snow day from school today! But Yesturday when it first started snowing I was helping my aunt move. I was carrying heavy boxes and slipped,they landed in a puddle,I landed in a puddle in the grass with a scraped wrist...of all the days it could snow in Eugene,it had to be when I was helping my Aunt move T_T
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Offline superjaz

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2006, 10:09:52 am »
putting it mildly we never get snow in march ever (some one poits to white stuff coming out of the sky)
well its not cotten candy....
it was very distracting at work cuz i was at the registers and could see these big pretty white flakes coming down and no superjaz, so i had to run out catch some on tounge and throw one snow ball to hold me, i think i try to pelt some one tomarrow if i can and theres snow still :evil:
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Vondan

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2006, 11:00:46 am »
Quote from: "Hashi"
But Yesturday when it first started snowing I was helping my aunt move.

Every one is expecting me to ask if your aunt is single between 30 and 40 and has glasses.  If so are you going to the Con with her as Queen Serenity and Mini Moon?

@ Every one else.   If you ask nicely some day I may tell how I was once riding on a frozen lake in a hover craft when the engine stalled and the ice started to break.  The hull was taking on water and it was up to our ankles when....

and I had on the same Leather helmet and goggles you see to the left.
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline Eternal Yamcha

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2006, 03:40:44 pm »
Looks like our snow threat is pretty much over. Now just convective showers that may be thundershowers/thunderstorms. Sad...

But hey, the last time I believe we saw March snow was March 1951. Same set up happened here and both times we got snow. Should be happy... Though there wasn't much for Portland, was 1 degree too warm... Problem with snow here is it comes down to a crucial temperature before snow really turns in to some thing we can all enjoy/gripe over.

Since it's pretty much over, I can't wait for WARM AIR and SPRING to come. I'm sick and tired of the cold.
"Raisin Bran Crunch: BUY ME SOME; MOM!!!"

Offline Yuki-cyan77

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Snow hits the region
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2006, 11:53:55 pm »
It snowed in northern part of Seattle for a minute or two while I was wonder it was really cold!! >_< *shivers* Ok, time for me to run to my heating table!!
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