Author Topic: Program Cover Progress Etc...  (Read 78372 times)

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Offline ScrumYummy

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Program Cover Progress Etc...
« Reply #50 on: June 11, 2006, 07:07:43 pm »
Quote from: "Misuteru"
O_o no one seems to really be in favor of the winner....I admit, i was a little iffy with the winner myself and wondered about it's effect on the mothers of children who wanted to go...
You know, the mothers who think all anime is hentai... my only fear is that they would see the program cover and not even give the con a chance... You have to admit the winner does have a very provacative nature, and one doesn't have to see anything outright for a picture to be sexually oriented... 8/ and I don't mean to day the cover was innaprotiate... I just mean that I worry about what it might say about the con to people who've never been there before.... I personally think it's deosn't exactly say "fun fun happy convention for all ages"

Yeah, I know. I wonder how the winner would feel if they read all of the comments here. Probably not very good ^^;

And I think I agree with you...although it doesn't exactly say "This convention is great for anybody of any age!" it doesn't say "This convention is for adults only," either. So I guess it's really up in the air., and depends on how you look at it =)   Although Personally, I voted on Cherry's, because it does have that "funfun happy fun for all ages!" feel, on top of being really good. X)!

I wouldn't worry so much about how people will react to the cover...since nobody gets their con book until after they've paid registration. X)!

Quote from: "Cherry"
Yeah i know coming second isnt that bad.  Buttttt... still.  
Im unsure.  And of coarse my portfolio will have non-anime stuff =P
I have non-anime stuff that i do, mostly just for fun and not serious at all, i just dont post it up because anime is the stuff i dont mind putting extra work into because its my passion and so it always looks waaayyy better.
And even if you say im good, the program im trying to get into only allows a few people in every year and is very competative (or so the director of the program told me).  So i dont think just being "good" is good enough >_<;

@Misuteru - Yeah i hate the fact that to anyone who is new to anime, when you say that they automatically think of girls in lingere and bikinni's, hentai, and seizure enducing robots.

Believe in yourself, Cherry! <3  We believe in you. <3  And remember the words of Lao Tsu: "Do, or do not. There is no try."  So just do =)   and if you don't win, don't let it get to you. Just keep at it, and be confident in yourself =)

As for the "anime is full of big-boobed chicks and robots" thing, I think it depends on where you are. I used to live in Arkansas, and I got that all the time, but here in Portland I don't get it at all. And when I was in England and NYC, nobody was like that. So it really depends =)

Offline Cherry

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« Reply #51 on: June 11, 2006, 07:33:48 pm »
Just Do
ahahhaa it reminds me of Nike's "Just Do It" xD

Well i know some people that dont associate it to that, but alot of people i talk to if i say that i draw/watch anime they either assume:
a. I watch/draw hentai
b. I watch/draw things about kiddie shows
Which anime is definately not all about! >_<  
But like you said i guess it depends on the area and the people have been exposed to anime in the past.

Wow this was a totally off-topic reply o_o

*edit* Oh and btw @ Jaybug - if the voting had anything to do with location of the people who enetered, thats just lame =\

Offline bastett08

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« Reply #52 on: June 11, 2006, 11:05:53 pm »
Cherry: I would have voted for yours, honestly.  I really thought it was a well done peice.  I liked yours alot.

Everyone did a really good job and please come by my booth cause I wanna meet you guys if you do attend this year.  Maybe we can swap art.  I'd love to see you all.

I'm over my disconcern, now.  I guess it's just that I work traditionaly and I really felt this was my best work yet.  I had such high hopes for it and I agree with what one of your guys said *can't remember name* about the cover content.  I love the outfit but you gotta keep in mind that the image we do submit is meant to give the viewer an idea about this art form.  Yes, sexuality does sell something and it attracks those interested in a con or event.  But do remember that anime has had a bad rap.  Lets be delicate and mindful of the fact that alot of the attendee's are going to be chaparoned to this event.  That's why I didn't go sexy.  My mother said that she felt I should have gone kinky like I normally do.  If you look at my gallery on you will see that I like to draw kinky stuff but I had to tone it down.

Either way I also agree that we are taking some congratulations away from the winner.  Whoever the artist is I appologize and congratulations.

Again, I offer my invitation to anyone who entered and would like to attend my copic marker panel or just stop by the copic marker coloring contest and try to win there.  I will be judging so yes, I am god!  hehehe.  :twisted:
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Offline Negima

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« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2006, 11:07:44 pm »
Quote from: "Cherry"
*edit* Oh and btw @ Jaybug - if the voting had anything to do with location of the people who enetered, thats just lame =\

I kinda doubt it was based on location.  Lots of times people will pass by the Location tag on our profiles or read it and forget it.  I completely forgot you're from Canada till I looked at your profile.  Also I didn't know which was yours until I actually looked for the sig. and I have a feeling I might not be the only one who didn't notice it at first.

Plus, if it was based on location, my mascot for the last contest would have gotten a lot more votes.  (I didn't enter this time due to school and other reasons)

For some reason I get the feeling I know who you are or at least met you... :?

Offline Cherry

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« Reply #54 on: June 11, 2006, 11:22:42 pm »
@ Bastett -  I definately want to stop by the Copic station and learn how to use those babys xD  I've never tried, but have always been curious.  And i didnt know there was a coloring contest!?!? FUN!! I wanna try xD *newb*

@ Negima - Yeah i wasnt thinking it was really either.  But it was said, so i thought i should reply =P

Offline ScrumYummy

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« Reply #55 on: June 11, 2006, 11:57:43 pm »
Quote from: "Cherry"
Just Do
ahahhaa it reminds me of Nike's "Just Do It" xD

LOL. Hey, while you're in town for the convention, you could visit Nike XD!

But yeah, anyway. Just Doing is one of my philosophies of life ^^

Quote from: "bastett08"

Everyone did a really good job and please come by my booth cause I wanna meet you guys if you do attend this year.  Maybe we can swap art.  I'd love to see you all.

I'm over my disconcern, now.  I guess it's just that I work traditionaly and I really felt this was my best work yet.  I had such high hopes for it and I agree with what one of your guys said *can't remember name* about the cover content.  I love the outfit but you gotta keep in mind that the image we do submit is meant to give the viewer an idea about this art form.  Yes, sexuality does sell something and it attracks those interested in a con or event.  But do remember that anime has had a bad rap.  Lets be delicate and mindful of the fact that alot of the attendee's are going to be chaparoned to this event.  That's why I didn't go sexy.  My mother said that she felt I should have gone kinky like I normally do.  If you look at my gallery on you will see that I like to draw kinky stuff but I had to tone it down.

Either way I also agree that we are taking some congratulations away from the winner.  Whoever the artist is I appologize and congratulations.

Again, I offer my invitation to anyone who entered and would like to attend my copic marker panel or just stop by the copic marker coloring contest and try to win there.  I will be judging so yes, I am god!  hehehe.  :twisted:

YEAH! I can't wait to meet you! ^o^ ~ <3  and see some of your inkwork in person. It really rocks my socks. X)!

It was a really awesome piece that you entered...I'm sad I couldn't vote on it, too. In fact, there were SEVERAL that I wanted to vote on, all at once. =) But anyway. I don't think the artist consciously thought about what they were drawing. A lot of artists just draw what comes to mind, and that's probably what happened. In any case, what's done is done =(

I wasn't talking about congrats, so much, but just speculating--if the artist came onto the boards and read all this stuph. How would you feel if something you drew was under that sort of scrutiny? *_*  

Anymoo. Hehe, I'll be in the fan creation station, too, so...see you there! <3

Quote from: "Negima"

I kinda doubt it was based on location.  Lots of times people will pass by the Location tag on our profiles or read it and forget it.  

But if nobody knows who the winner is, then how would anybody know where they're from? X)!

Quote from: "Cherry"
@ Bastett -  I definately want to stop by the Copic station and learn how to use those babys xD  I've never tried, but have always been curious.  And i didnt know there was a coloring contest!?!? FUN!! I wanna try xD *newb*

There will be a color contest, a B&W contest, a manga contest, and then several spontaneous art contests throughout the day. The prizes for the spontaneous contests vary, but for the main contests they are pretty nice. (or at least, last year, they were; I'm pretty sure this year will be the same)

Offline Cherry

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« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2006, 10:08:00 am »
I've actually already been to the Nike world headquaters 2 times xD;;
I know a family in Portland and so when i was down there i got to go~
It's really big o_o;

Hmm i might have to drop by and see if i want to try my luck in some of htose contests for fun~ I love coloring @_@

Offline Darkerlight

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« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2006, 03:23:34 pm »
Quote from: "Cherry"
Yay someone else who liked mine the most~
I really wanted to win so i could use it for my portfolio for getting into Graphic Art =\
Well and the fact that i am very competative ;>_>
But its okay, i know mine was awesome! =P

Actually i was considering maybe trying to get an artists ally table...
but im still unsure.  And plus there might not even be any left o_o;
and i dont know how to go about doing that either ;>_>
But thats besides the point.  
If i did i would probably sell that picture as one of the options =D
If thats even allowed o_O
*is such a newb to that kind of thing*

You can still put that you won second place :) I think it would be a shame to exclude from your portfolio since you did such a good job on it :)

There is the mascot 2007 contest comming. I would love to see you in artist alley! I really enjoyed that picture and would definately buy a copy from you of it.

Also if you would or anyone else for that matter would like to submit a piece of fan art to the fan site I would very much enchourge to put your name and maybe a contact email or forum name in the picture so that those veiwing it can easily get in contact with you.
Click me! Help me hatch!

Offline Cherry

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« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2006, 05:50:11 pm »
Yeah, im still deciding on whether or not to get a table.  Also havent even heard back about whether there are any left etc...
So who knows if i even can o_o;;

But if i do get a table, you can be sure there will be some more fanart of the current KumoriGirl available, she's really easy and fun to draw xD

Offline Misuteru

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« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2006, 07:22:42 am »
I pretty sure there's room left in the artist alley.... don't take my word for it, but when I asked for an application I was told they weren't full....

Cherry, if you do get a table I'll be sure to drop by 8D and most likely buy something as well...

Offline bastett08

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« Reply #60 on: June 14, 2006, 09:39:27 am »
Quote from: "Negima"

For some reason I get the feeling I know who you are or at least met you... :?

I think I've met you, too but I could be wrong.  I meet alot of people.  Do you visit downtown portland?  I work at Borders express in the manga section.
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Offline ScrumYummy

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« Reply #61 on: June 14, 2006, 09:58:12 am »
Quote from: "bastett08"
Quote from: "Negima"

For some reason I get the feeling I know who you are or at least met you... :?

I think I've met you, too but I could be wrong.  I meet alot of people.  Do you visit downtown portland?  I work at Borders express in the manga section.


holy cow. I know you. LMAO

Are you the blonde? I've talked to you on several different occasions XD!!  I work in that mall too.

Offline Negima

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« Reply #62 on: June 14, 2006, 08:45:54 pm »
Quote from: "bastett08"
Quote from: "Negima"

For some reason I get the feeling I know who you are or at least met you... :?

I think I've met you, too but I could be wrong.  I meet alot of people.  Do you visit downtown portland?  I work at Borders express in the manga section.

Oops, scratch that.  The person I'm thinking of lives in Eugene.
But yeah, I do visit downtown Portland from time to time.  I can't remember the last time I went to Borders around there.

Offline bastett08

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« Reply #63 on: June 16, 2006, 11:01:11 am »
Quote from: "Negima"
Quote from: "bastett08"
Quote from: "Negima"

For some reason I get the feeling I know who you are or at least met you... :?

I think I've met you, too but I could be wrong.  I meet alot of people.  Do you visit downtown portland?  I work at Borders express in the manga section.

Oops, scratch that.  The person I'm thinking of lives in Eugene.
But yeah, I do visit downtown Portland from time to time.  I can't remember the last time I went to Borders around there.

Eugene, eh?  No wonder.  No probs.  I'll see you at the con, though right?
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Offline Negima

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« Reply #64 on: June 16, 2006, 05:22:26 pm »
Quote from: "bastett08"
Quote from: "Negima"
Oops, scratch that.  The person I'm thinking of lives in Eugene.
But yeah, I do visit downtown Portland from time to time.  I can't remember the last time I went to Borders around there.

Eugene, eh?  No wonder.  No probs.  I'll see you at the con, though right?

Yeah I think there's a good chance we'll run into each other at the con.

Offline bastett08

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« Reply #65 on: June 21, 2006, 07:41:28 am »
Quote from: "Negima"
Quote from: "bastett08"
Quote from: "Negima"
Oops, scratch that.  The person I'm thinking of lives in Eugene.
But yeah, I do visit downtown Portland from time to time.  I can't remember the last time I went to Borders around there.

Eugene, eh?  No wonder.  No probs.  I'll see you at the con, though right?

Yeah I think there's a good chance we'll run into each other at the con.

Coo!  I'll try to fit some Negi or Ken Akamatsu inspired art into my band of merry images.  I hope to sell alot and so far I have recomendations.  So come on by!
Parents; be good to your kids.... they'll be choosing your nursing home.